Year 7 Trip to Stubbers

Posted: 21st September 2022

Last Friday, Year 7 finished off their first week at Channing with an exciting and invigorating day out at Stubbers Adventure Centre. After an early start at school, we headed out to Essex to be met by our enthusiastic instructors, ready to face the challenges of the day. In mixed teams from across the year group, the pupils showed their true colours; adopting leadership roles, listening carefully to each other’s instructions and working as a unit to stay afloat – quite literally in the raft-building activity, although much fun was had jumping in the lake too! Through rain and shine, they solved physical conundrums to get their team from one place to another, developed their archery skills and showed initiative and strategic thinking in Laser Tag. Most of all, they made new friends and got to know each other having great fun in glorious surroundings.The tutors and teachers who accompanied them were genuinely impressed with their lively enthusiasm and support of each other as they were pushed beyond their comfort zone. They exemplified the school motto – conabor! Well done Year 7!