It comprises four specialist teachers, who are practising artists, and two part-time technicians.
While our curriculum is underpinned by the study and practice of drawing and painting, our facilities allow for much wider exploration and pupils are encouraged to embed their work in related critical and contextual studies through independent and directed enrichment.
Years 7-9 are taught in small groups and have two or three periods of Art each week based on a broad programme. Pupils are taught how to appreciate, experiment with, and use media to communicate ideas.
Sketchbooks are seen as essential to the creative process and students are encouraged to develop them from Year 7 onwards; by Year 9, they become extensive visual journals.
Students will develop work in individual directions, ensuring that resulting pieces are compelling and unique.
Exam Board AQA
GCSE groups can be up to 15 in size. For the AQA examination, there is a developing emphasis on critical and contextual studies, with much value placed on ‘first-hand’ experience of art works through museum and gallery visits. Pupils take a course in visual research methods to strengthen their basic skills and there is an organised trip to a London exhibition such as at Tate Modern, Tate Britain or the V&A.
In the studios pupils learn to handle materials in a skilled and professional manner through workshops in painting, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics and textiles, completing a portfolio by Spring term in Year 11. An examination or controlled test is then developed over a 10-hour session, after a period of preparation.
Pupils mount their own exhibition of work which represents the individuality of each student through their various sketchbooks, gallery reviews, drawings and finished art works. Pupils should find the course both exciting and challenging, and enjoy creating their own work, as well as evaluating other artists’ work.
Life Class takes place each week after school. This is a popular activity, with pupils from Years 11, 12 and 13 taking part. Pupils have the opportunity to paint and draw from a model with short poses to develop observation skills, and longer poses for more ambitious studies.
We offer a variety of additional activities, including photographic clubs, where students can learn to use the school darkroom and develop their photographic skills in both traditional and digital photography.
A broad and well-researched offering to prepare our pupils for the next stages in life. Carefully curated by our Head of Careers, Ms Pavlopoulos, in the light of feedback from the whole Channing community and particularly our student Careers Leaders, our Careers Programme provides advice, information and guidance to all Senior School pupils with bespoke events available for those with specific interests as part of the Channing Experience.
Listen to our interview with Head of Careers Eleni Pavlopoulos and some of our pupils from our podcast, Chatting with Channing.
We’ll find out about the careers programme in Channing School and about the pupil’s roles as career leaders.
In Years 7 and 8, pupils attend a selection of talks and a Careers Day which focusses on self-discovery as well as introducing various careers. Every pupil participates in the National Enterprise Challenge which one of our Year 7 Teams won last year!
Pupils enjoy multiple Careers Information Sessions showcasing a range of careers throughout Years 10 and 11. Workplace Insight Events take place from Year 10 onwards. Year 10 pupils attend an Entrepreneur Panel, and participate in Take Your Daughter to Work Day. Year 11 pupils are offered a range of events including advice in a student-led A Level Options Marketplace and a Sixth Form Options interview with Senior Staff. They also participate in Morrisby Aptitudes Analysis and benefit from an individual meeting with the Head of Careers to ensure that their planned A Level choices are compatible with potential careers pathways. Year 11 students are instructed in CV writing and prepare an initial CV for their work experience (during the summer holidays). Both year groups are invited to our annual Careers Convention and Networking (with 16 different professions represented). Year 11 also receive a termly Opportunities bulletin which details super-curricular courses and activities and work experience opportunities – both online and in person.
For further information, please contact
Latin was the language spoken and written by the Romans two thousand years ago. Why, then, study it now? Latin is sometimes described as a ‘dead’ language, but in fact is alive in the words we use today, with more than 20,000 of the 40,000 words commonly used in the English language derived from it. It is also a language from which many European languages derive and so will give you a good foundation for learning these.
Latin helps pupils develop their ability to analyse, judge and communicate and it will encourage them to be a lively and independent thinker; all of which are key skills in the world today. But perhaps the most important reason for studying Latin is that pupils will be able to read and appreciate some of the best works of world literature, in their original Latin written 2000 years ago.
All girls in Years 7, 8 and 9 study Latin. We use the Cambridge Latin Course, which introduces aspects of Latin language through stories set in various locations in the Roman world. We move from Pompeii on the eve of the eruption of Vesuvius to the back waters of Roman Britain, then to the exotic port city of Alexandria in Roman Egypt and finally we reach Rome itself, the magnificent capital of the Mediterranean.
Latin at this stage gives girls an understanding of the structure of language and provides a sound basis for the study of Romance languages such as French, Spanish and Italian. It encourages them to make comparisons with their own language and they learn that many English words are derived from Latin.
Exam board OCR
The GCSE Latin course covers both language and literature elements. There is one language paper which will build on the language already covered in the first three years and we will continue to use the Cambridge Latin Course. Pupils will also study two literature papers and be introduced to the great works of Latin authors, including Virgil’s Aeneid and the supernatural story of The Witches of Thessaly.
Latin at GCSE is an enjoyable and challenging subject that combines both linguistic, literary and historical elements throughout the two-year course.
The Classics Department at Channing certainly makes the most of its London location and we give our students every opportunity to extend their studies by visiting the British Museum, the Museum of London, and the National Gallery, as well as attending productions of Greek drama, lectures and study days. We also enjoy taking the girls on tour further afield and regularly run trips to Sicily, Rome, the Bay of Naples and Greece.
The Sixth Form Classics Society meets weekly to hear talks delivered by visiting speakers, Channing staff and the students themselves. Topics have ranged from Ovid’s approach to love poetry to scent in the ancient world, and we also find time to play Latin scrabble and debate the future of the Elgin marbles.
Mythologers is a club enjoyed by the Middle School where weekly sessions allow students to learn about important mythological figures such as Penelope, Clytemnestra and Cassandra as well as producing their own creative work on the exploits of Theseus and Aeneas.
Annual events in the Classics Department also include the Classics Symposium, at which we hear from distinguished academics in Classics and enjoy a Greek-themed meal, and the Classics Schools Challenge, a Classics-based quiz to which we invite students from local schools.
Exam Board OCR
This ‘twilight’ course is studied as an after-school class and uses John Taylor’s popular ‘Greek to GCSE’ course. Additional time will be given to pupils to work on Greek in one Latin lesson per fortnight in Year 10 (with accompanying homework time) to help pupils to develop a proficiency in the language and culture. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that pupils also opt for Latin as one of their GCSE choices.
There is no coursework for GCSE Greek. It is an ambitious and highly rewarding course, which introduces students to the fascinating and important world of Greece. Throughout the course, we read stories adapted from Aesop’s fables, Plato’s dialogues and Arrian’s life of Alexander the Great. We cover the linguistic material quickly over eighteen months before reading original Homeric Greek as our verse set text.
Exam board OCR
Two components make up this exciting and rich course: ‘Myth and Religion’ and ‘The Homeric World’. In the first component, pupils explore Greek and Roman beliefs about the divine world, the nature of religious sites such as the Athenian Acropolis and the intriguing Lupercalia, Eleusinian Mysteries and City Dionysia that were highlights of Greek and Roman worship.
In their study of the Homeric World, pupils read sections of Homer’s Odyssey, focusing on the hero’s travels to return to his homeland of Ithaca and his revenge on the suitors who have been courting his wife in his absence. They also look at the Mycenaean civilisation to understand better the cultural context to the epic poem.
This course combines work with visual and material primary sources and the reading of literature in translation. Pupils with an interest in the ancient world and its literature, history and/or mythology will enjoy this course.
Looking to the future, information technologies continue to have a growing importance, with a huge demand from employers for people with a computer science skillset. Through our curriculum, pupils are made aware of current and emerging technologies and the impact that advances in technology may have on themselves and others in the future.
Through our curriculum pupils will: develop computational thinking skills; operate confidently in today’s digital world; learn valuable problem-solving skills relating to control technology; work alongside the Science Department in developing the use of robotics to stimulate the minds of pupils.
In Years 7 and 8, computer programming is taught through SWIFT Playgrounds, Codecademy, Python, HTML. In Year 7, pupils start with basic coding concepts such as loops then rapidly getting into fractals, animation, physics, and games.
There is opportunities in Years 7 and 8 to attend the coding and robotics club. Students create web applications using app lab and they build and program VEX IQ robots.
In Years 7, 8 and 9 all students participate in the Bebras junior and intermediate computational thinking challenges.
Pupils use a variety of multimedia including sound clips, video and animations when developing their projects and are taught general ICT skills, including file management, control technology, word processing, basic desktop publishing, spread-sheets, databases. They also learn how to create web pages using web-authoring software and HTML.
Exam Board: Cambridge International
This course provides practical opportunities where students will be encouraged repeatedly to design, implement and test programs in Python that provide solutions to problems. Pupils are encouraged to apply computational thinking in context, across both written and practical examinations.
They will develop the ability to: apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms and data representation; analyse problems in computational terms through designing, writing and debugging programs; think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically; and apply mathematical skills relevant to computer science.
The Drama department at Channing aims to provide a stimulating and rewarding environment where students are given the chance to excel. Our aim is to help each pupil; develop their creative potential and performing skills, learn to appreciate the craft of theatre; and understand the language of Drama and its major genres and dramatic forms.
Drama is part of the timetabled curriculum in Years 7, 8 & 9 with students participating in one Drama lesson per week. Pupils are introduced to the basic building blocks, learning a variety of skills aimed to improve confidence and the ability to work as a team. The Drama curriculum covers improvisation and script work in different styles and genres, for example Physical Theatre and Commedia dell’Arte. A range of texts from Shakespearean to contemporary plays are explored practically focusing on vocal and physical skills.
Weekly clubs allow students to participate in Drama outside the classroom and students also have the opportunity to take part in the Key Stage 3 Production or Whole School Musical, which happen biannually .
Exam Board EDUQAS
This is an exciting, inspiring and practical course that aims to develop pupils’ knowledge and experience of drama. The specification promotes involvement in, and enjoyment of, drama as performers and designers. Additionally, it provides opportunities to attend live theatre performances and to develop skills as informed and thoughtful audience members.
The course is divided into three parts: pupils create and perform a piece of original drama as a small group, inspired by the techniques of a theatre practitioner, theatre genre or a specific theatrical style; pupils prepare and perform two extracts from a published text to an examiner, to be assessed on acting or on a theatre design skill (costume, lighting, sound or set design); pupils study a set text in detail and evaluate how the play can be interpreted through acting, direction, and production alongside evaluating a professional theatre production.
Our English curriculum is designed to encourage our pupils to become readers and writers who are enthusiastic, creative, critical and competent.
All study incorporates speaking and listening activities, analytical and creative written responses, responses that require IT skills and a mixture of individual, small group and whole class learning. We also believe that it is important to embed grammatical skills and to encourage girls in their independent reading.
The English department follows its own curriculum in Years 7-9. Girls will study modern drama, poetry and prose texts, pre-twentieth century prose and poetry, Shakespeare plays and a range of non-fiction texts. In Year 7, a typical syllabus could include A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by William Shakespeare, various nature poetry and persuasive writing and speaking (including Debating).
Similarly, in Year 8, we might explore extracts from Gothic fiction, ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ by William Shakespeare, Animal Farm by George Orwell, magazine writing and World War 1 poetry. In Year 9, pupils read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë followed by extracts from Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea which leads into a creative ‘Writing Back’ unit. They also study ‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Miller and read the novel In The Sea, There are Crocodiles by Fabio Geda.
At the end of the Key Stage, the girls will have a robust skill set that will enable them to make a smooth transition to their GCSE English Language and English Literature courses.
Exam Board: Pearson
Pupils follow the Pearson IGCSE courses in both English Language and English Literature. Designed to be complementary, we can integrate the two and teach them simultaneously. Both courses are entirely exam-based.
Pupils read a wide range of literary, non-literary and media texts, including Shakespeare and other pre-twentieth century material. Texts are chosen for their merit and cover all genres. Currently, pupils study an anthology of poetry, ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J. B Priestley, ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. Pupils work on a range of writing tasks, which include creative and transactional pieces.
Most of the world’s problems on a local, national or global scale are relying on future geographers to understand them. Understanding these contemporary issues such as climate change, sustainable development, migration or natural hazards is what Geography is all about. It offers a variety of skills which complement other subjects and are valued by future employers with one of the highest rates of graduate employability.
At Channing, we teach Geography to help our pupils widen their horizons and become informed world citizens. Our aim is to provide pupils with a stimulating and enjoyable route to success in Geography.
In Years 7, 8 and 9, girls enjoy a varied and dynamic selection of both Human and Physical Geography topics. Learning activities favour the use of ICT, role playing, pupil presentations and enquiries. Field trips in each year support the work that is done in the classroom.
In Year 7, pupils are introduced to geographical skills through places. They study rivers and the effects of flooding in different socioeconomic countries, the principles of a sustainable city and learn map skills. In Year 8, pupils cover deserts, deciduous woodlands, rainforests, weather and climate, Kenya and population. By Year 9, we begin to cover economic development, changing industry and the role of TNCs, geology and tectonic hazards.
Exam Board AQA
Geography is a popular GCSE choice. The skills that pupils develop include decision making, problem solving, GIS and developing a variety of numerical and literacy skills. The course covers both human and physical elements of Geography as well as geographical skills.
Fieldwork is a vital aspect of studying Geography. As part of the GCSE course, pupils visit the Olympic Park to study urban regeneration and Flatford Mill Field Studies Centre where we study river environments. In Year 10, we examine urban challenges, the physical diversity of the UK, the living world, climate change and the changing economic world. Throughout Year 11, modules cover natural hazards, river landscapes, the challenge of resource management.
We also lead optional international trips for Geography students to exciting geographical destinations. Recent destinations include Iceland and Morocco and help pupils to understand and explore different places and cultures.
Our History curriculum is designed to deepen and extend pupils’ interest and understanding of the past, in order to help pupils understand the world we live in today. History helps pupils to think and write logically and relevantly, and to use evidence accurately and critically.
In Year 7, we begin by asking “What is History?”. We follow this through our exploration of the Norman Conquest and the Medieval Era, the Tudors and finally, the Medieval Ottoman Empire.
In Year 8, we consider the history of slavery and the British Empire, the Industrial Revolution, the Campaign for Votes for Women and a period of Riot, Revolution and Social Unrest in the 1960s
Pupils in Year 9 cover World War One, Peace Treaties and Inter-war years, the Second World War and the Holocaust, Herstory project on the forgotten women of history and Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91 which is an introductory GCSE topic.
We have devised a GCSE course that covers key aspects of Modern history from across the World. There are British, European and World History components, with strong political, social, cultural and economic themes. The History GCSE is designed to appeal to a range of students, and help teach a wide variety of skills. We have a global focus with topics including: The causes and consequences of the Vietnam War, the rivalry between the Soviet Union and America which led to the Cold War, the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and their control of Germany, and changes in medicine in Britain from 1848 up to the formation of the NHS.
To aid students’ learning and understanding, we have led to trips to Budapest, Berlin and Cuba.
There are many components in the make-up of a good mathematician. Mastery of the basic skills, particularly algebraic, is essential. Equally important is an appetite for a challenge, a desire to wrestle with problems where the solution is not immediately obvious and where tenacity, perseverance and imagination are needed.
The Mathematics Department at Channing is committed to helping each pupil reach her potential in the subject and hopefully to have fun along the way!
We aim to enthuse all of our students with learning Mathematics. The curriculum covers all aspects of Number, Algebra, Shape and Statistics, ranging from solving equations to using Pythagoras’ Theorem. Problem solving is at the heart of Mathematics Teaching and Key Stage 3 students are encouraged to complete the weekly puzzle of the week to practise applying what they have learnt in class.
Exam Board EdExcel IGCSE
All pupils sit Higher Tier Mathematics and are assessed in two exams at the end of Year 11. Pupils are set in groups that are matched to their pace and ability. Setting is reviewed regularly and set moves are made when appropriate.
The mathematical content of the specification is divided into Number, Algebra, Proportion and Rates of Change, Geometry and Measures, Calculus, Probability and Statistics. Pupils develop their problem-solving skills, reasoning skills and the ability to make deductions or draw conclusions. In addition, the study of Mathematics has several cross-curricular benefits, particularly in Science and Geography. Further Pure Mathematics IGCSE is taken by our very best Mathematicians as an extra GCSE. This is currently studied outside of lessons in a twilight lesson and lunchtime lesson.
Every year pupils enter several mathematics competitions. Pupils participate in the UK Mathematics Trust Challenges with an ever-increasing amount of medals awarded and several pupils progressing to further rounds. Channing pupils also participate in the UKMT Team Challenges, The Girls Olympiad as well as Hans Woyda, an inter-schools contest. The Mathletics Club meets weekly to hone pupils problem-solving skills and prepare them for the inter-school competitions
Maths Week
Maths Week is a well established and enjoyable fixture in the Channing calendar. It is now in its 12th year and has had a variety of themes from Women in Mathematics, Art, the Olympics, code-breaking and games. There are daily problems, quotes and jokes which all pupils and staff are encouraged to do. There is also an annual inter-house Mathematics competition for Year 7 and Year 8 as well as a programme of external speakers.
Modern Foreign Languages are central to the Channing experience. Our department recognises that being able to communicate and understand in other languages is of utmost importance in our global world and our commitment to languages at Channing is unrivalled.
Girls in Year 7 choose between French, German or Spanish, followed by an additional Modern Foreign Language (MFL) from Year 8 onwards. Senior school pupils are also encouraged to immerse themselves in European literature and there is a dedicated MFL Room in the Library which is proving hugely popular.
We aim to foster a love of foreign languages and cultures alike. To this end, we encourage girls to travel widely to practise their languages and to gain first-hand knowledge of foreign cultures. It is expected that Sixth Form linguists will spend time abroad undertaking language courses or doing work experience.
The Department also organises regular outings to see foreign films and plays. Channing pupils benefit from a rich linguistic and cultural experience and each year several pupils go on to study languages at top universities, including Oxbridge.
We offer a variety of clubs such as cine-club, conversation and pen pal clubs, and debating societies for both French and Spanish. Pupils have the opportunity to attend online and in-person events that further enrich their studies and, most noteworthy, all Year 8 pupils benefit from an annual trip to practise the languages in their respective countries.
‘Music for all’ is our mantra. Through studying music, pupils will: foster creativity and individuality as well as discipline and commitment; develop higher ordered thinking skills; understand their cultural heritage as well as other past and present cultures; and express their emotions and thoughts.
The Music School provides a friendly, enthusiastic and stimulating environment in which musical excellence is encouraged and celebrated. We help our students develop their musical potential and respond to a variety of musical challenges. Students are given the opportunity to perform individually and in ensembles – irrespective of age or musical ability.
Pupils begin by understanding basic rhythmic notation and awareness, followed by the study of melodic structure with the aim to write and perform. We then introduce the Baroque period with a particular focus on The Suite. This is complemented by exploring the progression from Baroque to Classical., where we focus on the symphony. We end the year with the creation of a popular piece using the full GarageBand programme on iMacs and a video presentation on a topic from
Baroque or Classical periods.
At GCSE, pupils learn how to improve performing skills, gain insight into the composition of music from initial ideas through to the finished product and how to analyse music in a variety of styles through its social and historical context. All GCSE musicians are expected to join a school ensemble group.
Areas of study include instrumental music from 1700-1820, vocal music, music for stage and screen, and fusion. The assessment consists of two performances (solo and ensemble), two compositions and a written paper on listening and appraising.
The department aims to promote positive attitudes towards participation in Physical Activity and Sport. Through a broad curricular and extra-curricular programme, we aim to encourage each pupil to develop their potential, whether at a recreational or competitive level.
This is an exciting time for Sport at Channing as we enjoy the exceptional facilities and expand on the already wide-ranging programme of physical education at Channing. The School has a growing reputation for success in Netball, and we employ professional coaches for this and many other sports. Regular matches are held against other schools and there are teams in each year.
In Years 7 to 9 pupils undertake a balanced programme of activities, which prepares them to make an informed decision when they select options as they progress through the school. Games fitness and athletics are all taught in depth throughout the Middle School and into Year 10. PE activities include netball, hockey, basketball, gymnastics, trampolining, fitness, dance, badminton, volleyball, athletics, tennis and rounders.
Exam Board AQA
GCSE PE allows students the opportunity to further develop their passion for sport and exercise as well as their performance. This is reinforced by developing students’ knowledge and understanding of the human anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, physical training, sports psychology and sociology of sport.
The practical aspect of the course accounts for 30% of the total assessment. This requires pupils to demonstrate a set of core skills in both training and competitive contexts, alongside the ability to analyse and improve their own and others’ performance. In addition, students will be able to develop leadership skills, resilience, interpersonal and communication skills.
The games programme for Years 11 onwards offers pupils the opportunity to select from a wide range of activities including zumba, military fitness, yogalates, trampolining as well as traditional games such as netball. The programme aims to introduce pupils to news ways of exercising to promote lifelong participation.
Girls in Year 11, 12 and 13 can experience an even wider variety of physical activities, including, yogalates, outdoor games, use of the fitness suite, high impact aerobics, street dance and zumba.
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh
Girls are introduced to Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. Pupils learn the skills necessary to undertake a self-sufficient expedition at Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Level (camp-craft, map and compass skills, navigation, route planning, cooking and first aid). Every summer year 9 travel to the New Forest to complete this expedition and to take part in numerous adventure activities. Girls then have the options to complete their bronze Duke of Edinburgh by completing an additional expedition and three months of a sport, skill and community service.
PSHE, Personal, Social, Health and Economic wellbeing education typically includes subjects such as online safety, relationships and sex education, drugs and alcohol awareness, nutrition, body confidence, financial awareness, mindfulness, bullying and mental health awareness. At Channing it is a comprehensive programme of study delivered throughout the entire community, starting in the Junior School and running through to Sixth Form. It is taught by Form Tutors, school nurses, Sixth Form Students and a range of expert guest speakers.
Every year we celebrate Wellbeing Week with a range of activities and guest speakers for students and parents, which really helps to place health and wellbeing at the centre of all that we do at Channing.
We have recently added topics including families, teenage relationship abuse, child exploitation, extremism and violence against women higher up the school; all of which bring us in line with the National Prevent Initiative. We have also updated the Relationships and Sex Education programme following the new government Statutory Guidelines. New topics are added and updated on a yearly basis and promote the Fundamental British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance and respect of those with different faiths and beliefs.
PSHE Overview Year 7- 11 (2023-2024)
Our wellbeing programme helps pupils to build confidence, improve social skills and develop resilience. In Year 7, these lessons are designed to help pupils cope with their transition from primary school to senior school. Later, pupils consider their learning through retrieval practice and develop effective study techniques.
Elsewhere, the curriculum covers ‘life online’, health education, citizenship, drug awareness, personal safety, economic wellbeing and careers. Pupils consider how to understand and manage their relationship with social media, especially in connection to self-esteem, online privacy settings, digital footprints and cyber-bullying. They develop an awareness of local and national systems of government, the importance of Fair Trade, supporting vulnerable communities and various forms of discrimination. Pupils also learn about debt, women’s health and the risks associated with legal and illegal drugs.
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics provides a platform for pupils to explore the most pressing and polarising issues, from matters of faith to morality. At Channing, we teach Religious Education to build emotional intelligence, awareness, and resilience, by empowering pupils to form and express their views and have them questioned. It can also provide pupils with a detailed awareness of the diverse beliefs and values which are located not only globally, but also evident in our local communities.
By equipping pupils with the ability to build, critique and interrogate arguments, they will begin to understand causal links between beliefs, circumstance and religious practice. Much time is devoted to the development of independent enquiry skills as well as those of an evaluative and analytical nature concerning topical issues, with the rise of religious extremism being an area of particular focus.
We take a Unitarian approach to the study of religion in Years 7 and 8. This means that equal time (one full term) is given over to the study of each of the six major world faiths. By the end of Year 8 students will have studied each religion’s beliefs and practices in-depth and considered how the religions promote British Values such as Individual Liberty and respect for the rule of law.
Pupils in Year 9 study 4 major ethical and philosophical topics. Starting with arguments for and against the existence of God (including atheism and Humanism) the course moves on to cover Crime and Punishment (Including the Death Penalty) The ethics of War, environmental issues and animal rights. We particularly focus on discussion alongside the development of evaluative and analytical skills.
Exam Board OCR
This course is assessed entirely through exams. In the first module, pupils are led on a journey into the beliefs and practices of two major world faiths (Christianity and Islam). Pupils will consider classical religious teachings and assess how thy impact the lives of adherents in today’s modern society. The second, Philosophy and Ethics, examines a range of major philosophical and ethical issues in the world today from a Christian perspective. Specific areas of study include family life, gender equality, peace and conflict and a comparison with non-religious world views in the form of Humanism and secularism.
A Religious Education qualification is looked upon favourably by employers in the fields of Law, Education, Medicine and Politics, amongst others. Deep thinkers with an interest in the metaphysical and spiritual dimensions of life are well-suited to the course.
Science is the study of living things, materials and physical processes. At Channing, we use the sciences to stimulate a spirit of enquiry through the development of natural curiosity and reasoning. Pupils develop the skills of observation, investigation and interpretation and equipping them with a valuable knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live.
With eight full-time and four part-time subject specialists, and three full-time technicians, we aim to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. Science is all around us and ever-changing and so it is vital that the students are aware of their environment, the huge advances that have been made and the challenges that we face in the future. Helping pupils to understand as much as possible about science will give them a passion for the subject and encourage them to care for our environment.
In Years 7 and 8, the students study a range of topics that cover many aspects of science. Science is taught in Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics and students carry out a significant variety of practical work in order to develop a wide range of skills. Pupils learn to use specialist scientific apparatus and begin to hone their understanding of the world around us. Pupils also cover part of the IGCSE courses in Year 8 (the heat topic).
Exam Board Triple-Award Pearson IGCSE
Pupils begin the majority of the IGCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics courses in Year 9. All pupils have three lessons per week in each of the three subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), and all classes are mixed ability. Lessons are taught by subject specialists and consist of both theory and practical work. In all three sciences, pupils develop problem solving in a wider context, the ability to analyse, interpret and evaluate data and experimental methods, practical techniques relating to experimental design and implementation as well as the ability to apply mathematics to everyday scenarios.
In Physics, guides them to learn about unifying patterns and themes in Physics and challenges them to use these ideas in new situations. For Biology, we take pupils on a journey from the cellular level, through the study of whole organisms, to the nature of ecosystems and the biological challenges that we face in the future. The Chemistry course allows pupils to gain a good understanding of the nature of substances and how they react together, how Chemistry is used in business and industry, and how our use of fuels and raw materials can affect our environment.
Pupils acquire knowledge and understanding of facts, terminology, concepts and principles. The course is structured and delivered in a detailed and engaging manner and is designed to ensure good preparation, both for those continuing to further study and for those wishing to work in a science-related field, as well as those pursuing other career paths.
In Critical Thinking, we begin to understand persuasive reasoning, construct basic arguments by considering structure and argument elements and develop flexible thinking/problem-solving.
Pupils move on to write their own fables around principles and morals, examine assumptions in reasoning, gather evidence to form judgements, consider credibility and construct complex arguments.
Later in the year, we enter the Community of Enquiry and introduce the fundamentals of Philosophy: questioning and listening skills, analysing stimulus material and developing arguments. This is informed by the examination of famous philosophical theories.
Channing Senior School library aims to foster literacy, independent learning and a love of reading in all students. It supports teaching and learning across and beyond the curriculum and gives pupils the skills needed to find and use information effectively. It is valued for its place at the centre of teaching and learning and the opportunities it affords for pupils to develop as readers, independent learners, scholars and informed citizens.
We stock a wide range of up-to-date fiction and non-fiction books, including ebooks and audiobooks. We use professional school-librarian channels and bookseller reviews to develop the collection, as well as pupil and teacher recommendations.
The library enjoys beautiful views over Waterlow Park and is a light and inspiring place to work.
Pupils have fortnightly library lessons in Year 7 and thereafter the library collaborates with teachers to provide training in research skills and information literacy tailored to each subject.
The library also supports the research elements of the EPQ and TeenTech programmes at Channing. In collaboration with the English department, the library runs various book clubs for pupils to share their enjoyment of reading. Each year we take part in the Carnegie Shadowing Scheme, where schools shadow the judging of a major children’s literature prize. Pupils also enjoy sharing book recommendations via our interactive library catalogue.
Pupils work in teams on four projects in the year which would typically entail: researching and creating a presentation on a historical figure who has earned a Blue Plaque in London; working in an entrepreneurial team to develop a business model for an educational project; using 3D CAD software and a 3D printer to design and print personalised items such as keyrings; and conducting research by considering key principles of the scientific method and how they aid the reliability and validity of research in the field of psychology.