sixth form meeting

Joining the Sixth Form From Another School

Joining at 16+

All Sixth Form applicants from other schools are invited to attend an interview with the Headmistress and Head of Sixth Form and a request is made for GCSE predictions and a school reference.

Sixth Form Prospectus

Visit Channing

Book your place to attend the Sixth Form Open Evening.

You will meet our Headmistress, Head of the Sixth Form, staff, and current pupils. You will also receive a guided tour of the school, visit our academic departments, and get advice on your A Level subject choice.

Entry Requirements

A typical academic profile of a girl entering Year 12 is 10 GCSEs, with the majority at grades 7 to 9. These must include English and Mathematics at Grade 6 or above AND at least a Grade 7 in those subjects you wish to study at A Level (Grade 9 in Mathematics to study Further Mathematics).

If you opt for a subject that is not offered at GCSE, you will need at least a grade 7 in a related subject, for example:

  • A grade 7 in History or English Language for Politics
  • A grade 7 in at least two Sciences or Mathematics for Psychology
  • A grade 7 in Mathematics for Economics
  • A grade 7 in Computing or Maths for Computer Science
  • A grade 7 in a Humanities subject for History of Art
  • A grade 7 in English Language for Philosophy
  • A grade 7 in English Language for Classical Civilisation



We will send a request to your current Headteacher for a reference and GCSE predictions.


After submitting your application, you will be invited to attend an interview with the Headmistress, Mrs Hughes, and the Head of Sixth Form, Ms Tomback in November. Places are offered in December, on condition of your final GCSE grades, published in August. Should you receive and accept an offer from Channing, we ask that you send us your GCSE certificate in August so we can confirm you have met the conditions of your offer and prepare for you starting in Channing.


Channing offers Academic, Art and Music Scholarships for Year 12. Please see the section below for more information.


As Year 12 is a formal entry point for Channing, applicants can apply for a Bursary. Please see the section below for more information.

Key Dates for 16+ for entry in 2025

Sixth Form Evening: Tuesday 17 September 2024 (4:45pm – 7.30pm)
Application deadline: Friday 11 October 2024
Bursary Application deadline: Friday 11 October 2024
Music Scholarship deadline: Friday 11 October 2024
Art Scholarship deadline: Friday 11 October 2024
Interviews: From Monday 4 to Friday 15 November (inclusive)
Art Scholarship Interview: In November 2024
Art Scholarship Portfolio handed in to Channing Tuesday 5 November 2024
Music Scholarship Interview: In November 2024
Academic Scholarship exam: Wednesday 6 November 2024 (4.15pm – 5.15pm)
Offers published: Monday 2 December 2024
Deadline to accept offer: Wednesday 11 December 2024

16+ FAQs

When is your Sixth Form Open Evening?

Our next Sixth Form Open Evening will take place in September 2025.

We encourage all prospective applicants and their families to attend. All academic departments are open across the school so you can speak with teachers and pupils about choosing the right A Level options for you. This is followed by a talk by Mrs Hughes, Headmistress, Ms Tomback, Head of Sixth Form and our Head Girls.

What is the admissions process to join Channing Sixth Form?

Current Channing Year 11 students do not need to submit an application for a place in the Sixth Form as they already have a place. They will receive confirmation of this in December 2024 from the Headmistress. Students who wish to consider other options for Sixth Form should make an appointment to talk about this with the Headmistress.

All external applicants must complete and submit our 16+ Application Form before the published closing date. All external applicants are invited to attend an interview with the Headmistress and the Director of Sixth Form and a request is sent to candidates’ current schools for a reference and GCSE predictions. (There are additional actions for anyone who wishes to apply for a Scholarship or Bursary).

What GCSE Grades do I need to join Channing Sixth Form?

Typical applicants to join the Sixth Form at Channing will be on course to achieve 10 GCSEs, with the majority at grades 7 – 9. Places are offered conditionally on your final GCSE grades. These must include English and Mathematics at Grade 6 or above, and at least a Grade 7 in those subjects you wish to study at A level (Grade 8 in Mathematics to study Further Mathematics).

If you opt for a subject that is not offered at GCSE, you will need at least a grade 7 in a related subject, for example:

– A grade 7 in History or English Language for Politics

– A grade 7 in at least two Sciences or Mathematics for Psychology

– A grade 7 in Mathematics for Economics

– A grade 7 in Computing or Maths for Computer Science

– A grade 7 in a Humanities subject for History of Art

– A grade 7 in English Language for Philosophy

– A grade 7 in English Language for Classical Civilisation

All offers are conditional on achieving the required grades at GCSE.

How can applicants prepare for your interview?

There is no special preparation required for the Sixth Form interview. Candidates should be themselves at the interview and answer questions about the subjects they wish to study at the interview and why they have chosen them. We want applicants to enjoy the interview and the conversations they will have with the Headmistress, Director of Sixth Form and other teachers they meet.

What does Channing look for in prospective Sixth Form students?

Enthusiasm, passion, intelligence and girls who have something to say about their own interests and the world around them. We also look for students that would make a contribution to the life of the Sixth Form and the school, get involved in what happens at Channing and make the most of all the opportunities we offer our Sixth Form students.

Do you have to sit an entrance examination to join the Sixth Form?

Students wishing to join Channing Sixth Form, including current Year 11 students, do not have to sit an entrance examination unless they want to apply for a Sixth Form Academic Scholarship. Channing Year 11 girls and prospective Sixth Formers who want to apply for an Academic Scholarship must sit the Scholarship exam (see Key Dates for the date of the Academic Scholarship Exam).

Do you offer any other Scholarships or any Bursaries on entry to the Sixth Form?

Yes. In addition to Academic Scholarships we also offer Art Scholarships, Music Scholarships and Bursaries. Please use the link below to find out more and how to apply for them.

How do you prepare students for Oxbridge and overseas universities?

The UCAS process at Channing starts in Year 12 with presentations and the annual ‘SPRINGBOARD TO THE FUTURE FAIR’ where Admissions Tutors, expert speakers and organisations come to the school so Year 12s can learn about universities and other options. In Year 13, with the support and guidance of your personal Tutors and Heads of Department, you will be ready to submit your application. If your university sights have been set on Oxford or Cambridge, or a special application (including Medicine, Veterinary Medicine or Dentistry), you will receive expert advice and support from a specialist mentor team of teachers, alumnae, parents and other expert advisors, in order to give you the best possible chance of securing an interview and ultimately, the offer of a place. More students are now considering studying in the USA, Canada, Europe and elsewhere. Students applying abroad are supported by our Overseas Applications coordinator. Specialist presentations, workshops and guidance on essays as well as applications are available at Channing with students going on to study at a range of schools and colleges across the world.

What universities do Year 13 leavers go to?

Our Year 13 pupils go on to study at a wide variety of universities in the UK and overseas. For the full list of destinations and courses for 2024 please visit the following link: Leavers Destinations.

Is it possible to be a Sixth Form Officer or Head Girl if you join the Sixth Form from another school?

Girls who join the Sixth Form from an another school have as much opportunity as Channing girls who join from Year 11 to apply and be awarded leadership roles. They are open to all Sixth Form students irrespective of when they joined the school. There is a formal application process with interviews for the Senior leadership roles so everyone has an opportunity to apply and be considered for the many officership roles available.

When do you send out the results of external applications?

We will send the result of your application in early December. The deadline for acceptance is before we break up for the Christmas holidays in December.

Queries about your 16+ Application

For any query relating to the 16+ application process or your existing 16+ application, please contact the Admissions Office on or 020 8340 2328 (option 2).