Bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Governors, the Headmistress and the Bursar. The Bursar is responsible for the management and coordination of the process. The decision of the Headmistress and the Bursar is final.
We advise you to read these guidance notes before starting the bursary application form as it outlines the supporting documents that are required to upload. Please contact the Bursar (using bursar@channing.co.uk) if further information or advice is required.
Step One
You first need to register for a place at the Senior School or Sixth Form after which you will also need to complete a Bursary application form.
Bursary Application Form
The form seeks to establish the financial circumstances of the household and will request details of income and capital and must be accompanied by full documentary evidence. The completed form, together with the necessary documentary evidence, must be submitted to the Bursar no later than the published closing date for applications for each year for Bursaries to start the following September.
Step Two
The Bursar will assess all applications in order to establish the likely level of support which will be required in order to allow the child to attend the School. This may involve the Headmistress, or her representative, visiting the parents/guardians’ home to ensure the information has been correctly interpreted and the basis of the financial assessment has been fair.
Step Three
The Bursar prepares a recommendation based on a sliding scale which is considered with the Headmistress and a joint recommendation is then reached. In making a decision as to whether to offer a place at Channing School the Headmistress will not take into account whether or not a Bursary application has been made.
Step Four
Parents/Guardians are advised whether their child is to be offered a place at the School and of any Bursary offer.
Step Five
Parents/Guardians are then required to sign the Acceptance Form accepting the place at the School and an acknowledgement agreeing to any conditions relating to the Bursary.