girls walking

Bursaries & Financial Assistance


We have always done our best to ensure that children who would benefit from a Channing education are not excluded for financial reasons. We offer means-tested financial support with the payment of school fees to parents/guardians who would otherwise be unable to afford them. This support is known as a Bursary and these may be awarded in the form of a discount of up to 100% on tuition fees, depending on the financial circumstances of applicants.

We do not offer bursaries or scholarships for Junior School.



As a very general rule, it is unlikely that a Bursary will be awarded when the family gross income (with one school aged child) is significantly greater than four times the school fees. It is possible, and indeed not unusual, for a Bursary holder to also have a Scholarship. Bursaries are renewed annually and may be increased or decreased if the financial circumstances of the applicants change significantly. We appreciate that education is a long term investment and that families want to have a sense of continuity from one year to the next and if financial circumstances remain essentially unchanged, families can assume that their proportional contribution to school fees will change very little, if at all.

The School operates a sliding scale for Bursary awards which it reserves the right to vary in special cases. All awards are made at the absolute discretion of the School and the number which can be made each year is limited. The Registrar and the Bursar can provide guidance in individual cases.

Each Bursary application is considered on its own merits and it is recognised that the sacrifices that a family can or will make in order to pay school fees come down to personal choice. However, Channing School aims to ensure that any financial support offered is directed towards those that need it most, though the Governors reserve the right exceptionally to make discretionary awards.

Therefore, in determining the level of Bursary support, the factors which will be considered as well as current earning will include:

  • Family circumstances. The School will take family circumstances into account; the need to care for children under school age or to look after other dependants, or perhaps the particular requirements which one or other partner’s work might impose on the other. In some cases, one or both parents are prevented from working through incapacity. However, where there are two partners we normally expect them to be employed and a family’s ability to improve its financial position or earning power will be considered.
  • Costs associated with other dependants, e.g. sick or disabled parents or children.
  • Substantial realisable equity in the applicant’s home and ownership of interest in other properties.
  • In cases of separation, the contribution made by the non-resident parent.
  • Contributions to school fees or household costs by other family members, adults unrelated to the child such as step parents or by other sources.
  • The level of fees for the child paid previously to other independent schools.
  • Expenditure on expensive holidays, luxury cars and home improvements.
  • Significant savings and investments that could be used for the payment of school fees.

The Candidate

In assessing a child’s suitability, attention will be given to the academic performance of the applicant. Bursary funds are limited and those judged most suitable, i.e those likely to gain most from the education on offer at Channing, will be given priority. Each pupil to whom support is offered must, in the opinion of the Headmistress, be likely to make sound academic progress following admission and possess the potential to develop the quality of his/her work and benefit from participation in the wider extra curricular activities on offer at Channing. Each applicant should meet the School’s normal academic requirements.

Bursaries may be awarded to children joining Channing in Year 7 and Year 12 only and are also available for current pupils. Current pupils are asked to contact the Bursar’s office directly (

For Year 7 2025, please complete both the 11+ Application Form and the Bursary Form by Friday 8 November 2024.

For Year 12 2025, please complete the 16+ Application Form and the Bursary Form by Friday 11 October 2024.

Exceptionally the school will also consider applicants from Junior School families should there be significant changes in family circumstances.

The Process

Bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Governors, the Headmistress and the Bursar. The Bursar is responsible for the management and coordination of the process. The decision of the Headmistress and the Bursar is final.

We advise you to read these guidance notes before starting the bursary application form as it outlines the supporting documents that are required to upload. Please contact the Bursar (using if further information or advice is required.

Step One

You first need to register for a place at the Senior School or Sixth Form after which you will also need to complete a Bursary application form.

Bursary Application Form

The form seeks to establish the financial circumstances of the household and will request details of income and capital and must be accompanied by full documentary evidence. The completed form, together with the necessary documentary evidence, must be submitted to the Bursar no later than the published closing date for applications for each year for Bursaries to start the following September.

Step Two

The Bursar will assess all applications in order to establish the likely level of support which will be required in order to allow the child to attend the School. This may involve the Headmistress, or her representative, visiting the parents/guardians’ home to ensure the information has been correctly interpreted and the basis of the financial assessment has been fair.

Step Three

The Bursar prepares a recommendation based on a sliding scale which is considered with the Headmistress and a joint recommendation is then reached. In making a decision as to whether to offer a place at Channing School the Headmistress will not take into account whether or not a Bursary application has been made.

Step Four

Parents/Guardians are advised whether their child is to be offered a place at the School and of any Bursary offer.

Step Five

Parents/Guardians are then required to sign the Acceptance Form accepting the place at the School and an acknowledgement agreeing to any conditions relating to the Bursary.

Bursary Application Form

Existing Pupils – Change in Family Circumstances

Finances permitting, the School will aim to help in cases of sudden unforeseen need.

Parents/Guardians with a child at the School whose financial circumstances suddenly change may apply for a Bursary to the Headmistress/Bursar, explaining their situation and using the forms provided by the Bursary. Such awards are subject to the availability of funding and cannot be guaranteed.


The School respects the confidentiality of Bursary awards made to families, and recipients are required to do likewise.

Other Sources of Bursary Assistance

In addition to the School’s Bursary fund, there are a number of educational and charitable trusts which provide assistance with tuition fees. In the majority of cases, these are to assist children who are already attending a fee-paying school and due to a change of circumstances may be unable to remain. Channing School encourages parents/guardians to apply for support where it is felt a good case can be made for assistance. Further information on how to pursue such assistance may be obtained from:

The Bursar
Channing School
The Bank, Highgate, London N6 5HF