sixth form meeting

Sixth Form Curriculum

The Sixth Form curriculum encompasses breadth, diversity and challenge, and you are encouraged to study subjects that you enjoy, as well as those at which you naturally excel.

The tailored programme of personal development in the Sixth Form begins on the very first day of term and focuses on your physical and mental wellbeing throughout the Sixth Form and beyond. The programme supports effective learning, community involvement and the development of your personal interests in and outside of school.

Springboard to the Future is a unique programme of opportunities at Channing. From our excellent careers service to Channing Lectures, the highly valued EPQ (Extended Project Qualification), UCAS support to the Oxbridge programme and opportunities for work experience, we are experts in helping you realise your university, career and future aspirations.

Teaching & Learning in Channing Sixth Form

At Channing every teacher has their own style and plans lessons that focus on learning. We know that great A Level Teaching & Learning cannot be achieved by following a recipe, but there are some clear pointers in the research to approaches in the classroom that are most likely to be effective. Channing teachers use research-based methods and their wealth of experience to deliver high-quality teaching and learning. As well as research for teachers there is also a wealth of research aimed at students and how they learn best.

We ensure that our Sixth Form students understand this research behind the science of learning. We share with them what we know about the habits of the most successful learners at A Level, so that they can fulfil their potential using the most effective learning strategies.

Throughout Year 12 and 13 we speak to our Sixth Formers about the importance of retrieval practice, spaced learning and interleaving. We look at the research behind stress mindsets and resilience, offering practical advice at key points during the year. We want our Sixth Formers to be fearless in their learning. Being a Fearless Learner is about embracing challenges, developing effective learning skills, attitudes, aptitudes and independence ready for the world beyond Channing

Advice on choosing your A Levels

Making decisions about academic options can be an exciting, but often also a daunting, process. Before settling on your choice of subjects it is important to consider several key elements.

Firstly, it is essential to be informed as to whether the requirements of a specific course, career path, or profession need to be taken account of in the decision-making process. Some university courses insist on certain A Level subjects: for example, a degree in Economics usually requires A Level Mathematics, whereas applications for Medicine will normally be expected to include Chemistry and another Science as A Levels. The UCAS website and university prospectuses will provide more detailed information on individual course requirements.

Secondly, it is important to consider academic strengths. Some students gravitate towards essay-based subjects, while others feel more comfortable working in a laboratory or with numbers. Given the academic demands of A Levels, it is highly advisable to factor in any particular areas of strength to the decision-making process.

And thirdly, interest in and enjoyment of the subjects is an element that should not be discounted. Motivation will potentially come from a variety of different factors, such as long-term career goals, but being able to study something that genuinely excites and inspires you every day is invaluable.

Regardless of the weight of each of the factors that ultimately contribute to your individual decision, studying A Levels will be a very different experience to that of GCSEs. Smaller class sizes, stimulating teaching, and effective learning strategies will ensure that even though the Sixth Form curriculum will be challenging, it will also be fulfilling and exhilarating.

Students normally choose three subjects, and in some exceptional cases, four.

A Level Subjects



The investigation of visual phenomena in its myriad forms, in practical terms, utilising traditional and contemporary methodology. Drawing as a fundamental activity can underpin applications and academic research now forms part of the second year of the course.

Art is for creative, maverick students; those who can draw, those who like to take risks and those fascinated by visual phenomena.

Course Content and Components
Unit 1. Personal Investigation: Comprises coursework portfolio, final solution and written personal study.
Unit 2. Externally set assignment: Creative development of a given theme. Concludes with 15-hour controlled element.

Recommended entry requirement
At least GCSE Art at Grade 7. Exceptions can be made for candidates demonstrating potential.

Post A Level Options
Essential for most Art-related disciplines, especially Art Foundation courses and Fine Art degrees.



Biology is the branch of science concerned with the study of living organisms. Within Biology there are different and diverse fields of study, for example: biochemistry, cell biology, ecology, anatomy, physiology, botany, microbiology and genetics.

Biology is for students who are curious about the complexities of all living organisms; from single-celled species to more complex multicellular plants and animals. They enjoy developing a detailed knowledge of the many diverse areas of biology and take pleasure in finding links between topic areas. Successful Biology candidates have a proactive and independent approach to study to ensure their knowledge is complete. They remember and act upon advice given to develop their own understanding of the course content and how to approach a variety of examination question styles. Practical work is an integral part of the course that develops laboratory skills by using a variety of apparatus and techniques.

Course Content and Components
Paper 1: Molecules, cells, biodiversity, exchange and transport (35%). Paper 2: Energy transfer, genetics, populations, response to stimuli (35%). Paper 3: All content, all practical techniques and an essay (30%).

At least 15% of the marks will examine practical techniques and 10% of the marks will examine mathematical skills (Higher tier GCSE standard).

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in IGCSE or GCSE Biology or 77 in Double Award Science.

Post A Level Options
Students can continue with their study of Biology by taking a degree in biological sciences, or can become more specialised for example, with a degree in biochemistry, zoology, natural sciences or psychology. Biology is also required for many medicine, veterinary medicine and dentistry courses.



Chemistry is the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances. The course involves the study of the three main branches of chemistry; physical, inorganic and organic chemistry.

You’ll find chemistry everywhere. Pick up a can of soft drink: the metal can you’re holding, the paint used to cover it and the liquid inside. Studying Chemistry provides insights into a variety of physical and biological phenomena and provides an excellent basis for understanding the physical universe we live in.

Course Content and Components
A level Chemistry is divided into three main areas: physical, organic and inorganic. In physical chemistry students study: atomic structure; chemical bonding; energetics; kinetics and equilibria; redox reactions; electrochemistry; and acids and bases.
During inorganic chemistry lessons, students learn about: periodicity; reactions of Group 2 and 7; properties of Period 3 elements and their oxides; transition metals; and the reactions of ions in aqueous solutions.
In organic chemistry we study: nomenclature; the reactions and mechanisms of alkanes and their derivatives; isomerism; biochemistry; aromatics; organic synthesis; and spectroscopy.
The course is assessed in three two-hour written examinations at the end of the course.
Paper 1 assesses physical and inorganic chemistry, paper 2 assesses physical and organic chemistry, and paper 3 is synoptic. There is no coursework component, but all students must complete the Common Practical Assessment Criteria (CPAC). CPAC comprises twelve practical tasks that are completed during lessons. Questions on these tasks later form part of the written examinations.

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in IGCSE or GCSE Chemistry or 77 in
Double Award Science.

Post A Level Options
Chemistry allows you to develop excellent laboratory skills and mathematical ability, as well as giving you transferable skills, such as problem-solving, time management and data analysis. The main employers of chemistry graduates are in the chemical and related industries. However, chemists are also employed in the food and drink industry, health and medical organisations and the government.

Classical Civilisation

OCR Specification Code H408B

Classical Civilisation is the study of the ancient Greek and Roman civilisations through texts in translation as well as ancient artefacts (for the Greek Theatre component).


Classical Civilisation will appeal to anyone with a passion for the literature, history, society and/or material culture of the ancient world, as well as the ways in which its legacy has been received and transmitted over the past millennia.

From Platonic philosophy to controversial Roman love poetry, Greek heroes and battles to slapstick comedy in the Underworld: Classical Civilisation students enjoy the rich variety of literary masterpieces we study, at the same time gaining real insight into the lives and beliefs of the ancients.

Course Content and Components

Paper 1: ‘The World of the Hero’: Homer’s ‘Iliad’ and Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’.
Paper 2: ‘Culture and The Arts’: Greek Theatre, focusing on Sophocles’ ‘Oedipus Tyrannos’, Euripides’ ‘Bacchae’ and Aristophanes’ ‘Frogs’.
Paper 3: ‘Beliefs and Ideas’: ‘Love and Relationships’.

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in either Classical Civilisation or English Literature or History.

Post A Level Options
With its focus on literature, history, society and material culture, students have gone on to a variety of degree choices, ranging from Classics, Archaeology and History to Theology, Business and International Relations.

Classical Greek

OCR Specification Code H444

Classical Greek involves the study of the language and literature of ancient Greece, ranging from the Homeric epic poems written in the 8th century BC to the classical Attic prose and verse of Xenophon and Sophocles.

If you enjoyed studying classical Greek at GCSE, you will enjoy the A Level, which similarly combines the development of your linguistic skills in translating Attic Greek with the study of a variety of exciting literary texts.

There are few greater joys for a Hellenist than reading Homer in the original Greek written down 2700 years ago, accessing the full power of his characterisation, speeches and narrative.

Course Content and Components

Component 1 (33%): Unseen Translation and Comprehension (prose and verse)
Component 2 (17%): Prose Comprehension or Composition.
Component 3 (25%): Prose Literature: Herodotus’ ‘Histories’
Component 4 (25%): Verse Literature: Homer’s ‘Odyssey’

Recommended entry requirement

At least Grade 7 in Classical Greek (if taken at GCSE), or successful completion of the Intermediate Certificate in Classical Greek and continuation of your study of Classical Greek in Year 11.

Post A Level Options

The study of a classical language at A Level can lead on to degrees in English, MFL, History and Politics, as well as Classics. We often have students who combine Latin with Science A Levels before going on to study Medicine, Natural Sciences or Veterinary Medicine at university.

Computer Science


Computer Science is a discipline which requires thinking both in abstract and in concrete terms. On a higher level, computer science is concerned with problem solving: modelling and analysing problems, designing solutions, and implementing them. Problem solving requires precision, creativity, and careful reasoning.

Studying Computer Science allows you to study topics including artificial Intelligence, real-world systems, computational thinking, helping you to develop problem-solving skills, design systems, communication and Internet technologies, hardware, software development, and relational database modelling. A level Computer Science also provides a good grounding for other subjects that require computational thinking and analytical skills.

Course Content and Components:
Paper 1 – Theory Fundamentals : 1 hours 30 minutes 25% of A level. Paper 2 – Fundamental Problem-solving and Programming Skills: 2 hours 25% of A level. Paper 3 – Advanced Theory: 1 hours 30 minutes 25% of A level. Paper 4 – Practical: 2 hours 30 minutes 25% of A-level.

Recommended entry requirement
At least a grade 7 in Computer Science expected but not essential and preferably at least a grade 7 in Mathematics. If you have any queries then please speak to Ms Newman.

Post A Level Options
What can Computer Science lead to? A good grade in Computer Science at A level is valued by universities and employers since it requires the development of analytical thinking and problem solving skills. This course also lays an appropriate foundation for further study of Computer Science, Engineering, Physics or related subjects in higher education.

Drama and Theatre


A-Level Drama and Theatre studies is where live performance meets theoretical analysis. Practitioners and companies, theatrical styles and genres introduced at GCSE, are more extensively explored in this two year course. Analysing and evaluating texts and studying the semiotics of stagecraft will inform the development of your practical skills. Performances are accompanied by coursework, so the creative process is documented with research and links to key theatrical thinkers. Writing essays on how to stage a script allows students to deepen their knowledge of dramaturgy.


You will develop your knowledge of the social, historical and political context of the plays and playwrights studied, considering the perspectives of the Director, Designer and Actor in the theatre making process. You will learn how to creatively collaborate in group and pair work to stage and perform extracts from a script. The opportunity to create your own work comes at the end of Year 13, when you devise an original piece of theatre.

Course Content and Components:

Component 1 (40%) Written Paper: Analyses of two prescribed plays and live theatre production.
Component 2 (30%) Creating Original Drama: Working notebook.  Devised Performances.
Component 3 (30%) Making Theatre: Performance of an extract from a Play, Reflective Report.

Recommended entry requirement

Grade 7 or above in Drama (if taken at GCSE), otherwise a passion for Drama, and an enjoyment of performing and working with others. A love of attending the theatre and possibly an interest in costume, lights or set design would also be useful.

Post A Level Options

The creative industries are one of the fastest growing and highest grossing sectors in the UK today. Universities and employers recognise Drama students as possessing both vital interpersonal skills and specialised cultural capital. The highly developed interpersonal skills and ability to articulate and ‘perform’ under pressure will be an advantage in your academic or professional career.



Economics is the study of how societies, governments, businesses, households and individuals allocate their scarce resources to produce valuable goods and services, and how these are distributed among different people. This means that as a society, we must make informed choices to ensure that our resources are used in the most efficient and ethical way.

Economics is for students who are interested in the ever-changing modern world and its interconnectivity. This subject is also about people and how we behave individually as well as in a society. Students will be expected to take an active interest in current affairs, confront serious ethical issues and engage in debate and discussion.

Course Content and Components
Component 1: Microeconomics: The study of the economic behaviour of individuals, households and firms (33.33%)
Component 2: Macroeconomics: The study of the behaviour of whole economies and the role of government policies (33.33%)
Component 3: Themes in Economics: Explaining and exploring a range of ‘real world’ issues and contexts (33.33%)

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in Mathematics GCSE and a genuine interest in current affairs.

Post A Level Options
Students with A Level Economics have access to a wide range of higher education opportunities and possible careers such as law, business, accounting, politics, banking, finance and, of course, economics itself.

English Literature


One moment you will sitting in a sun drenched garden taking in magnificent Italian vistas, the next you will be hidden behind a tapestry in a chilly Danish castle trying to keep abreast of the latest court intrigue, then you will find yourself suddenly transported to New Orleans as a high stakes poker game gets underway. We learn best through stories because they have the unique power to transport us to worlds beyond our own and to introduce us to perspectives never before considered.

English is for students who enjoy reading, writing and debating. Students should be ready to discuss challenging ideas and to explore texts from a range of different angles. The course delves into writers’ ideas about life and death, relationships, and the world around us. It can be effectively paired with a wide range of subjects, especially History, Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Psychology, and is great for budding medics with a love of the Arts and Humanities.

Course Content and Components
Component 1: Pre-1900 poetry (Milton or Chaucer) and Post-1900 poetry (Larkin & Duffy or Plath & Hughes)
Component 2: a Shakespeare play (‘Hamlet’) and a comparison between two other plays (‘The Duchess of Malfi’ & ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’)
Component 3: Unseen Paper – prose from the interwar period (1918-1939) and poetry texts
Component 4 (Coursework): A comparative essay on two prose texts (one will be post-2000).

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in English Literature at GCSE.

Post A Level Options
English A Level is highly regarded by universities and employers as it proves the ability to think critically and to communicate effectively. An English degree is particularly beneficial to those wishing to enter fields such as the law, journalism, advertising, publishing, marketing, film and the Civil Service.




French A Level explores the language, literature, film and culture of the French-speaking world as well as the history and politics of France.

Do you wish to become fluent in French? Do you already appreciate French culture and wish to learn more? Do you like grammar? If you’ve answered yes to at least two questions, then French is for you! Studying French A Level allows you to explore a wide range of topics, which will add to your understanding and interest in the language and culture of Francophone countries.

Course Content and Components
All Modern Languages follow similar units of the four skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking.
The students also study films and works of literature which form the basis of the written examination.
The oral examination is based on individual research on a subject of personal interest, relating to the countries where the language is spoken.

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in GCSE or IGCSE French.

Post A Level Options
French is the official language of the United Nations, the European Union, UNESCO, NATO, the International Olympic Committee, the International Red Cross and international courts. Proficiency in French is essential for anyone considering a career in an international organisation. French is an analytical language that structures thought and develops critical thinking, also essential for any career.



Geography is multidisciplinary. It enables students to develop a love of places, spaces, different cultures and to examine the links and connections of the world on a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Students will develop the ability to think critically, work collaboratively, formulate a logical argument and analyse large data sets.


Students should have an interest in the complexities of the world and studying topics ranging from glaciation to disease dilemmas to natural hazard to human rights. Geography A Level is current and enables students to understand the complexities of the modern world in a critical manner.

Course Content and Components

Component 1 (22%): Physical Systems: Coastal Landscape Systems, Earth’s Life Support Systems and Geographical Skills
Component 2 (22%): Human Interactions: Changing Spaces; Making Places, Global Connections, Migration and Human Rights, Geographical Skills
Component 3 (36%): Geographical Debates: Disease Dilemmas, Hazardous Earth and Geographical Skills
Component 4 (20%): Non-examination assessment: Independent Investigation
The course includes a day trip to Brick Lane and Spitalfields and a residential field trip to Flatford Mill to cover both human and physical Geography fieldwork.

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in GCSE Geography and a curiosity to think synoptically and draw links between different topics.

Post A Level Options

Geographers are increasingly valued for their transferable skills, which makes Geography one of the most employable subjects post-university. An A Level in Geography complements a variety of subjects in university applications due to the multidisciplinary nature of the subject.



German A Level explores the language, literature, film and culture of the German-speaking world, as well as the history and politics of German-speaking countries.

Students who are interested in learning more about German-speaking countries will build on their GCSE language and grammar to reach a high standard of spoken and written German while at the same time gaining knowledge of Germany’s position in a global context.

Course Content and Components
All Modern Languages follow similar units of the four skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking.
The students also study films and works of literature which form the basis of the written examination.
The oral examination is based on individual research on a subject of personal interest, relating to the countries where the language is spoken.

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in GCSE or IGCSE German.

Post A Level Options
Germany’s economic strength equals business opportunities. In addition, German is the most widely spoken language in Europe. It is the second most commonly used scientific language and Germany is the third largest contributor to research and development. Therefore having a German qualification improves employability with both German and foreign companies.



To paraphrase John H. Arnold, there are many reasons to study History.  One should study History for enjoyment. There is pleasure in studying the past. Additionally, History teaches us to think. Studying History necessitates taking oneself out of one’s present context and exploring alternate worlds. Studying History allows us to expand our understanding of ourselves. We learn how we have come about and are made aware of the possibility of doing things differently because History shows that there many ways to view things. History arms us with the ability to act and think critically; it provides the tools to challenge dogma.


History is for students who enjoy investigating the events, leaders, peoples and beliefs of the past. History explains why the world is the way it is, whilst suggesting what it could be. At its heart History teaches students to identify and challenge bias, understand cause and consequence and analyse the decisions people made and their effects.

Course Content and Components

Component 1: (40%): Breadth Study: The Tudors: England, 1485-1603
Component 2: (40%): Depth Study: The Transformation of China 1936-1997
Component 3: (20%): Historical Investigation: a personal study based on c.100 year period of Civil Rights in the USA.

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in GCSE History or English Literature.

Post A Level Options

History leads to a multitude of careers far beyond the ones people assume such as ‘History teacher’ or ‘Historian’. Aside from the obvious, History supports degrees in Law, English, Politics, Journalism, Philosophy, Economics to name but a few.

History of Art


The primarily factual investigation into the various forms of artistic creation across all cultures. The course focuses fundamentally on Painting, Sculpture and Architecture though the new syllabus incorporates aspects of contemporary art and the non-western artistic traditions.


It is for students who enjoy research and investigation, who like detail and complexity and can analyse factual information objectively. There are fascinating stories to be told but it is important to be able to digest fact and recall with accuracy. History of Art can complement and extend the contextual studies of students enrolled in Fine Art, but you do not need to have studied Art to excel in this written subject.

Course Content and Components

Students develop visual literacy and an understanding of chronology within the Western canon, from Classical Greece (500 BCE) to the present day.

‘Nature’ and ‘Identities’ in art and architecture are broad explorations of developments in style & subject matter across time & place.

The study of two periods (Baroque & Modernism) in Year 13 allows students the opportunity to understand the artists, patrons & contextual factors of a specific time.

Recommended entry requirement

At least Grade 7 in an Humanity subject such as Art, Classics, English or History would be advisable.

Post A Level Options

An A Level in History of Art can lead to a degree in History of Art, Critical Theory and Curating. These courses are the foundation for those seeking a career in museums, art galleries and art journalism/criticism. History of Art also suits those who have an interest in pursuing careers in design, marketing, fashion or architecture


OCR Specification Code H443

Latin is the study of the language and literature of the Romans. We read a variety of fascinating texts, encountering the rhetorical brilliance of Cicero’s defence of Caelius to the sublime poetry of Virgil. The A Level is balanced between the disciplines of translation and literary analysis.


Students who enjoyed the blend of language and literature at GCSE will enjoy the A Level which similarly combines translation and comprehension of unseen passages with the literary study of a range of authors whose work has had a profound influence on Western culture.

Course Content and Components

Component 1 (33%): Unseen Translation and Comprehension (prose and verse)

Component 2 (17%): Prose Comprehension or Composition. 

Component 3 (25%): Prose Literature: Nepos’ ‘Life of Hannibal’ and Tacitus’ ‘Annals’                                    

Component 4 (25%): Verse Literature: Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in Latin GCSE.

Post A Level Options
The study of a classical language at A Level can lead on to degrees in English, MFL, History and Politics as well as Classics. We often have students who combine Latin with Science A Levels before going on to study Medicine, Natural Sciences or Veterinary Medicine at university.



At the heart of Mathematics lies problem solving. Mathematicians have an appetite for a challenge, a desire to wrestle with problems for which the solution is not immediately obvious and show tenacity, perseverance and imagination. Mathematics also teaches you to be logical, methodical and meticulous, skills that are relevant to and complement a myriad of other subjects.

If you love tackling problems, if you have an appetite for a challenge, if you are tenacious, if you see the beauty in geometry and you appreciate the elegance of an algebraic proof, it is for you. It is also for you if you enjoyed your GCSE studies and are eager to learn more. A strong work ethic and the ability to study independently are essential.

Course Content and Components

Papers 1 and 2: Pure Mathematics (proof, algebra, functions, coordinate geometry in the x, y plane, sequences and series, trigonometry, exponentials and logarithms, differentiation, integration, numerical methods and vectors).
Paper 3: Statistics & Mechanics: Students can use a calculator in all of the examination papers. We recommend using a Graphics Calculator which helps with visualising solutions.

Recommended entry requirement
At least a Grade 8 in GCSE or IGCSE Mathematics.

Post A Level Options

Mathematics A Level is highly respected and relevant. Not just to the obvious areas such as Engineering, Computing, Physics but the statistics element of the course is relevant to Bio Sciences, Medicine, Psychology and Geography. The majority of degree courses in Mathematics are combined with other disciplines such as Philosophy or Computer Science.

Further Mathematics


Further Mathematics can only be studied alongside Mathematics. It extends the skills and concepts studied in the single A Level as well as introducing new ones. Two parts of the course are compulsory pure mathematics. For the remaining two parts, there is considerable flexibility depending on which areas of mathematics you most enjoy. This will be decided at the end of Year 12.

Studying Further Mathematics is for students who are passionate about mathematics and whose favourite thing is to sit down with a challenging problem. Students require a very strong, independent work ethic and regard work set as the minimum.

Course Content and Components
Two compulsory papers of Core Pure Mathematics and then two selected options from Further Pure Mathematics, Further Statistics, Further Mechanics and Decision Mathematics modules. Each paper is equally weighted.

Recommended entry requirement
Grade 9 in GCSE or IGCSE Mathematics.

Post A Level Options
The world is your oyster! Further Mathematics makes a statement about your academic capability and your intellect. Previous further mathematicians have gone on to read a wide variety of subjects including Mathematics, Law, Medicine, Architecture, Physics, Economics and Natural Sciences.



A Level Music at Channing is an exciting and challenging subject. Students are encouraged to explore a variety of genres, from classical, musical theatre and contemporary to jazz, pop and film. There are numerous opportunities for students to perform either on their own or in collaboration with others.

For able music lovers and practitioners, Music provides an ideal counterpart to either an arts or science-based Sixth Form curriculum, developing skills of analytical thinking and close textual study, as well as in the creation and performance of music. It offers a sound intellectual training, as well as providing a firm foundation for music courses in further education.

Course Content and Components

Component 1: Performing
Solo performance or in an ensemble in a recital setting for a minimum of 10 minutes. The performance will be in front of a visiting examiner from EDUQAS. Grade VII level is expected.
Component 2: Composing
Create two pieces totalling 5 minutes. One is a free composition. The second will be a stylistic composition to a brief set by EDUQAS.
Component 3: Appraising. 2 hour written paper.
Aural questions

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in GCSE Music or Grade VI on any instrument and a merit in Grade V theory.

Post A Level Options
Studying Music helps you to develop skills and qualities that future employers will welcome, such as creativity, problem solving, being a self-starter, presentation skills, self-discipline, skill development, and the ability to work with others. Music complements a range of commonly required A Level subjects such as Maths, Physics, English and Biology.



Philosophy is the study of the big questions in life and examines the rich treasure trove of answers to questions such as: what is the nature and limitation of our knowledge?  How do we decide what is right? Does God exist? What is human consciousness?


Philosophy A level will appeal if you enjoy thinking deeply, reading critically and expressing your ideas clearly in essays and discussion.

Philosophy is a subject with a clear method. It trains you to think carefully and critically, and then to write (and speak) clearly. These skills can be applied to every area of study and in every profession: studying Philosophy is the ideal preparation for work and life!

Your opinions will be challenged in lively classroom discussion as you are led through the maze of dilemmas. This subject encourages you to think for yourself.

Course Content and Components

Section A – Epistemology: What can we know? Section B – Moral Philosophy: How do we make moral decisions?


Section A – Metaphysics of God: Can the existence of God be proved? Section B – Metaphysics of Mind: Are my mind and body separate?

Assessment: Consist of two 3 hour written exams, with no choice of question: Paper 1 – Epistemology and moral philosophy (50%)

Paper 2 – The Metaphysics of God and the Mind (50%)

Recommended entry requirement
At least a Grade 8 in English Language and a Grade 8 in a Humanities GCSE subject, and a genuine interest in constructing essays containing justified arguments evaluating complex abstract concepts.

Post A Level Options

Thinking is a vocational skill and philosophy graduates are extremely marketable in a wide variety of fields such as Law, Journalism and public services



Why does a hot-air balloon rise? Why did the Millennium Bridge wobble so much that it had to be closed? Why does warm honey flow much more easily than cold honey? This course is for students who enjoyed Physics at GCSE and want to develop their understanding of the subject to a much greater depth.

Physics helps to unlock the mysteries of the Universe and is one of the most powerful enablers of innovation and discovery. Physicists collaborate with other researchers and apply their knowledge and technical skills in response to the major challenges of our time.

Course Content and Components
Paper 1: Written paper (30%). Content: Mechanics, Electric Circuits, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Nuclear and Particle Physics.
Paper 2: Written paper (30%). Content: Materials, Waves and Particle Nature of Light, Thermodynamics, Space, Nuclear Radiation, Gravitational Fields and Oscillations.
Paper 3: Written paper (40%). Content: General and Practical Principles in Physics.

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in IGCSE Physics or 77 Double Award Science.

Post A Level Options
A Physics degree could lead to a career as a mechanical engineer, a computer games designer, a scientific journalist, an architect, a particle physicist, a weather forecaster or a sound engineer, among others.



Politics is the study of governments – of their roles, responsibilities and functions. It encompasses the relationship between the governed and those in power, considering in particular the role of UK and American governments. It also covers ideologies, how they have shaped political systems and how they inform and educate the electorate.

The most successful Politics A Level students are those who relish reading about current affairs, international relations and governments throughout the world. They are inquisitive and curious, enjoy debating and writing argumentative and cogent essays that tackle the key debates shaping British and American politics.

Course and Components
Political Participation: Democracy and participation, political parties, electoral systems, voting behaviour and the media.
Core Political Ideas: Conservatism, liberalism, socialism.
UK Government: The constitution, parliament, Prime Minister and executive
Optional Political Ideas: One idea from: anarchism, ecologism, feminism, multiculturalism, nationalism.
The US Constitution and federalism, US congress, US presidency, US Supreme Court and civil rights, democracy and participation.

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in GCSE English Literature.

Post A Level Options
An A Level in Politics can lead to a wide range of degree subjects beyond merely studying Politics! Many of our students have gone on to study Law, International Relations and Journalism, as well as joint honours in History.



Psychology examines an individual’s experiences, behaviour and motivation and leads to a deeper understanding of the self and others. Research findings are at the heart of this dynamic science subject and will be critically analysed in order to support or evaluate theories. From practical research and data-handling to clear and thoughtful essay writing, the course is broad in skills as well as content. Most of what we have learned about brain functioning has happened within your lifetime so never has there been a more exciting time to study Psychology. 

A fascination about the mind and behaviour are essential but crucially you need to be prepared to embrace scientific thinking and learn a wide range of research evidence accurately. For students looking to try something new and seeking an A Level that is challenging and stimulating, Psychology is a perfect choice.

Course Content and Components
Component 1: Social influence Memory, Attachment, and Psychopathology.
Component 2: Approaches in Psychology, Biopsychology, and Research Methods.
Component 3: Issues and Debates in Psychology and one option chosen from the following:
Option 1 – Relationships, Gender, Cognition and development.
Option 2 – Schizophrenia, Eating behaviour, Stress.
Option 3 – Aggression, Forensic psychology, Addiction.

Recommended entry requirement
Two Grade 7s in IGCSE or GCSE Sciences, Grade 7 in IGCSE or GCSE Mathematics.

Post A Level Options
Clinical psychology careers include educational, occupational, and sports psychologists. Psychology is also useful for any job that requires interaction or understanding of human behaviour and development. Many roles in marketing, HR, business management, and recruitment utilise skills and knowledge covered by A Level Psychology.

Psychology Magazine

We are please to share with you of our Psychology magazine, Neuro Narratives. This has been written and produced by A Level Psychology students. Students were tasked to write an article on any topic they liked as long as it had a link to psychology. This is their work, raw and unedited.



Spanish A Level explores the language, literature, film and culture of the Spanish-speaking world, as well as the history and politics of Spain.

Spanish A Level is a natural progression for students who enjoyed the GCSE course and show aptitude as a linguist. They should have an interest in the history, culture and literature of Hispanic countries, as well as an appreciation of human and cultural differences. Students should be willing to spend time in a country where Spanish is spoken.

Course Content and Components
All Modern Languages follow similar units of the four skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking.

The students also study films and works of literature, which form the basis of the written examination.

The oral examination is based on individual research on a subject of personal interest, relating to the country where the language is spoken.

Recommended entry requirement
At least Grade 7 in GCSE or IGCSE Spanish.

Post A Level Options
Spanish is widely spoken throughout the world, so a qualification in Spanish is a great asset. In the multinational, connected world that we now live in, demand for language skills is increasing all the time. Linguists are often recruited for roles in account management, finance, retail and social media.

Extended Project Qualification

AQA Specification Code 7993

The Extended Project Qualification gives students the opportunity to devise and carry out an independent research project alongside their A Levels. The end product may be a 5,000-word written report or a shorter report accompanying an ‘artefact’ – for example, a working performance model, film, or piece of software. Students might choose a topic that relates to their proposed university course, career, or interests outside of school.

The EPQ provides an unparalleled opportunity for students to reach beyond the A Level syllabus and prepare for university. Pupils typically embrace the freedom to work more independently and pursue an ambitious project that fascinates them. EPQ develops intellectual curiosity, rigour and resilience, as well as research, communication and project management skills. It is a demanding but hugely rewarding exercise that is valued by universities, employers and, most importantly, students themselves.

Course content and components

Students are taught a range of skills, including research methods, evaluating sources, citation and referencing, time management, constructing a longer essay, and presentation skills. Students also have regular meetings with a supervisor who guides them through the process of planning, researching, and developing their project. Students independently research and execute the project, keep a research log, and prepare and deliver a presentation.

Who takes EPQ and when

All Year 12 students start the EPQ in September and do at least a term of the course, which takes place weekly in Enrichment lessons. They work with a supervisor and write a proposal for a project, and it is left to the individual student to decide whether they want to complete a full EPQ after this. Those who continue with the EPQ will complete their research and write up their projects during the spring term, giving their presentations in the summer term of Year 12. Students who don’t continue with the EPQ convert their proposal into a shorter Channing Project. Potential Oxbridge candidates are strongly advised to complete the EPQ.


Universities recognise that completing an EPQ is a considerable achievement and excellent preparation for undergraduate work. Students can put their predicted grade for the EPQ on their UCAS statement and some universities even give reduced offers to those candidates who successfully complete an EPQ.

Overall, EPQ is a unique opportunity to develop valuable skills, work more independently and lay excellent foundations for the future.