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Scholarships & Awards

Channing School seeks to recognise achievement in many ways.

One way in which this can be achieved is through making financial awards to pupils and parents to ensure that girls of exceptional ability and potential can benefit from a Channing education. Whilst the school is committed to ensuring that financial awards are increasingly made on the basis of financial circumstances, the Headmistress also has the discretion to make academic awards of up to 10% of tuition fees on entry to the Senior School or at any point during a pupil’s career at Channing should she consider it appropriate.

Academic Scholarships

Year 7 (11+) Academic Scholarship

All candidates who sit the 11+ entrance examination are automatically considered for a Year 7 Academic Scholarship based on their scores. They do not need to make a separate application. If a scholarship is to be awarded, the family are informed of this if the child is made an offer for Year 7 at Channing.

Sixth Form (16+) Academic Scholarship

To be considered for a Sixth Form Academic Scholarship candidates (including current Year 11 Channing pupils) must sit the Sixth Form Academic Scholarship exam. For 2025 entry, the Academic Scholarship exam takes place on Wednesday 6 November 2024 from 4.30pm – 5.15pm in Channing. The Scholarship paper is set by the school and past papers will not be shared.

The exam consists of a general paper (critical thinking, logic and reasoning) and one subject paper of your child’s choice, ideally in one A Level they will study in Sixth Form. You will find a list of A level subjects offered by Channing HERE.

To apply, please confirm your child’s attendance and their chosen subject paper, by Friday 11 October 2024, using this link:

Music Scholarships

11+ Music Scholarship Application Form 

Music Scholarships are available to applicants of exceptional ability and potential. These include free tuition in school for one instrument. All applicants who meet the published criteria will be invited to an audition in January. Scholarships are awarded for up to 50% of the tuition fees as a result of the audition and qualification in the academic examination.

Year 7 (11+) Music Scholarship Information

YEAR 7 MUSIC SCHOLARSHIPS – Entry September 2025

11+ Music Scholarship Application Form 

Music Scholarships for up to 50% of the tuition fees are offered every year to Year 7 applicants of exceptional ability and potential. This award includes free tuition in school for one instrument up to the end of Year 13.

Entry requirements

All applicants should be at a good Grade V standard at the time of application, but do not necessarily need to have taken a Grade V examination. Please note, however, although Grade V with merit is expected at application, for Oboe, Bassoon, Trombone, French Horn and Double Bass, we do consider candidates that have not yet reached this standard but have made, in their teacher’s opinion, rapid progress.

Scholarship Application Process

Candidates must indicate on their admissions application that they are interested in applying for a Music Scholarship after which further details will be provided.

If you submit the admissions application form and later decide to apply for a Music Scholarship, please email the Admissions Office ( before Friday 8 November 2024 so we can send you further instructions.

It is important to collate in advance:
– the applicant’s music grades
– their mark sheets (not the certificates)
– details of up to 3 pieces recently studied
– ensemble experience at school
– ensemble experience outside of school
– any other documents or teacher references you wish to provide to support the scholarship application

There are two stages to the selection process

STAGE ONE: All applicants are requested to submit a video recording of them playing any single piece of their choice on their main instrument.

  • Please submit the video by Friday 8 November 2024 at
  • There is no time limit on the piece performed.
  • It is perfectly acceptable for a section of a piece of music to be performed rather than the whole piece.
  • The performance should have accompaniment if it requires it.
  • The use of a phone, iPad or similar device is quite sufficient for the filming.
  • The format should be MPV or MOV or a YouTube link can also be provided.
  • Please do not send it via wetransfer or drop box (or any method that is time restricted or requires permission to allow us to access it).
  • The piece submitted may be performed again at the live audition in January if the candidate chooses to do so.

STAGE TWO: Selected applicants from Stage One will be invited to the audition stage in January 2025 in the Senior School.

What takes place at the Audition

If you are invited for an audition, the candidate will be given their own practice room and will have the chance to settle themselves and practice their pieces of music.

Candidates will be required to do a ‘quick study’ test. This will involve the candidate learning a previously unseen piece of music, on their main instrument/voice, for 20 minutes before their appointment. They will subsequently perform the piece in their audition. The audition will also contain aural tests of grade V standard.

Candidates will be expected to play two contrasting pieces of their own choice on their main instrument/voice. For candidates that have a second (or third) instrument/voice they should play/sing a piece of their own choice on their additional instruments/voices. Performances must be accompanied if the piece has a piano accompaniment. If you need Channing to provide a piano accompaniment, you are asked to let us know in advance and provide the music. Failure to do so is likely to be detrimental to the overall impression given.

The audition will finish with the candidate having a short interview with the Director of Music.

Expectations of Music Scholars

Full and active participation in the school’s musical activities as recommended by the Director of Music.

If you have any queries about applying for a Music Scholarship please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions by emailing

YEAR 12 MUSIC SCHOLARSHIPS – Entry September 2025

Music Scholarships for up to 50% of the tuition fees are offered to applicants of exceptional ability and potential and include free tuition in school for one instrument.

Current Year 11 Channing students already in receipt of a Music Scholarship will keep their award without any further application. They have the opportunity to re-apply for a new 16+ Music Scholarship for a chance to increase their current award.

Auditions will take place in November 2024


Scholarships are offered to applicants on the understanding that recipients play a full and active participation in the school’s musical activities as recommended by the Director of Music.

Our talented musicians hold positions of responsibility and appear as soloists with the many ensembles that rehearse weekly. Our expectations would be that music scholars show their commitment and are able to further develop the talent and potential shown at the audition.


Candidates will be expected to perform a piece of their own choice on their main instrument or sing if that is voice. Candidates should also perform a second piece of their own choice on any subsequent instrument/voice. All applicants must have passed the Grade VI with merit prior to November 2024 in order to qualify for an audition. Equivalent evidence will be considered.

Candidates studying GCSE Music will be expected to bring samples of their compositions to the audition

Application procedure

Candidates must apply by sending a letter of application to the Director of Music enclosing copies of the mark sheets (NOT certificates) of the most recent examinations for each instrument/voice. The letter of application and attachments should be sent by email to by Friday  11 October 2024.
If you have any other queries about making an application for a Music Scholarship please contact the Registrar on 020 8340 2328 or send an email to

Art Scholarships

Art awards are only available on entry to the Sixth Form (16+).

Sixth Form (16+) Art Scholarship Information

Who can apply?

All current Year 11 pupils and external candidates. Students should currently be studying GCSE Art.

The successful candidate(s) would be expected to undertake the full A level course and host an exhibition of work in the Art Gallery. They should also be prepared to undertake extra responsibility in the department and act as an ambassador for the subject.

What qualities are being assessed?

The successful candidate(s) will be committed to Art and demonstrate ability, passion and a love for the subject beyond conventional expectations. Drawing and perceptual ability should be of a high standard as well as evidence of an aptitude for the creative and experimental in any creative or artistic discipline.

Application procedure

(1) Portfolio preparation:

Candidates are asked to prepare a portfolio that comprises between ten and fifteen well presented pieces of work of the candidate’s selection, including one sketchbook and one piece of work produced independently of school. This should be clearly labelled with the candidate’s name. For any unconventional art work i.e. 3D work, please submit photographic evidence rather than the work itself. Candidates are expected to bring their portfolio with them for a scholarship interview in Channing. You will be required to hand in this portfolio to the Reception Desk by 9am on Tuesday 5 November 2024 and collect it after 4pm on the same day.

(2) Letter of application:

Candidates must apply by sending a letter of application to the Head of Art by email to by Friday 11 October 2024.

(3) Interview:

From the portfolios handed into the Reception Desk on Tuesday 5 November 2024, a selection of candidates will be invited to an interview with the Head of Art in November, where they have a chance to discuss their work in more detail. Candidates are expected to bring their portfolio with them. The Admissions Office will write to each candidate individually to advise if they have progressed to an interview and with further guidance including an interview date and time that is unique to them.

Overseas Candidates

Those students living abroad at the time of applying should email up to 10 PDF images and 2 videos of a selection of your work, including some pages of your sketchbooks, to the Head of Art at:

Further Information

All awards are made subject to our Conditions for Accepting an Award.

The Headmistress does have the discretion to make more significant awards but this will only be exercised in exceptional circumstances. The Governors will decide annually on the levels of financial support which the Headmistress may award.