girls in class

Senior School Teaching & Learning

Our current whole school Teaching and Learning focus is on developing Fearless Learners. We believe that it is possible to teach pupils to become more confident, proactive, independent learners in such a way that they become more courageous, fearless learners. To this end we have worked with both teachers and pupils to develop a range of resources that support us all to become more fearless in our learning. These include:

An infographic generated from discussions with all teachers

A student-friendly Infographic based on what our student body thinks Fearless Learners look like at Channing

At Channing, we acknowledge that each teacher has their own style but that pupils make the most progress when teachers plan lessons that focus on learning. We believe that great Teaching & Learning cannot be achieved by following a recipe, but there are some clear pointers in the research to approaches that are most likely to be effective. That is to say there are clear, recognised ‘moves’ of the ‘Expert Teacher’ that make pupil progress and learning more likely. These ‘moves’ are reflected in our bespoke document Defining the Principles of Great Teaching at Channing.

T&L Briefings are held every other Friday. These are an opportunity for teaching staff to come together to discuss educational research and how it might impact on their pedagogy. Recent themes have included: The impact of parental views of failure; What can we do to support students to be Fearless Learners?; What is the Production Effect and why does it work?


‘Spotlight’ is Channing Senior School’s Teaching & Learning publication. It supports the professional development of our teaching staff. It is distributed twice monthly and focuses on the development of classroom practice and current educational research. All teaching staff are encouraged to contribute, and it reflects our commitment to being a collaborative, learning community. Recent titles include: What causes a fear of failure? Why is failure a good thing? How to use Cold Calling, Think, Pair, Share and how to use iPads as Show-me boards.

Chatting with Channing

Listen to our interview with the Senior School’s Assistant Headteacher for Teaching and Learning, Andrew Boardman, from our podcast Chatting with Channing.

Mr Boardman will be talking to us about a variety of topics, from his role at Channing and how things have changed in education during his time as a teacher, to the subject he teaches and the time and research that goes into improving how children are taught and how they learn.

But Mr Boardman will also talk to us about the learning Spotlight, what it is and how it helps both pupils and parents, as well as discussing academic buoyancy.