High-quality children’s literature lies at the core of the English curriculum, inspiring girls to develop as independent readers and confident writers. Starting with our ReadWriteInc Phonics scheme in Reception, the girls explore the possibilities of the English language through lessons in creative writing, comprehension, grammar, spelling and handwriting. The girls also have dedicated time to promote Reading for Pleasure (RfP) where reading aloud, independent reading, book talk and book recommendations are promoted all in a social reading environment. The girls are invited to choose what they want to read whilst support is available. They are offered additional relaxed opportunities to hear stories and invited into the engaging world of reading by a rich RfP pedagogy and reading curriculum, supported by teachers who are determined to find ways to motivate them.
We have an excellent collection of fiction and non-fiction books, which the girls can borrow. Library lessons with the school librarian enhance the curriculum; the girls in Years 1 to 6 are also encouraged to visit the Library during lunch break.
We strive to prepare the girls with the knowledge and skills for mathematics in their everyday life. We have a strong belief that, given sufficient time, all pupils are capable of understanding and achieving in Mathematics. We teach the Power Maths curriculum – a UK curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in Mathematics. It is built around a child‑centred lesson design which models and embeds a growth mindset approach to Mathematics, and focuses on helping all children to build a deep understanding of concepts. Power Maths combines interactive teaching tools, quality textbooks and activities to strengthen and deepen understanding as well as Practice Books for children to complete independently. Activities are always practical and adapted according to the individual attainment level of each pupil. In order to develop a deeper understanding of key mathematical concepts, teaching focuses on a CPA (concrete-pictorial-abstract) approach.
Weekly Mental Arithmetic lessons are also taught and homework consolidates learning in lessons.
We follow JIGSAW, a progressive and spiral scheme of learning that promotes mindfulness. This is core to our curriculum, helping the girls develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. Throughout each year group, we guide the girls to develop morally, socially and culturally fulfilling lives and nurture the ideals of inclusion and tolerance that support a strong spiritual awareness.
Throughout the Junior School, pupils are supported to utilise Kimochis: a proven system for helping children grow and transform by dealing skillfully with their feelings. Cuddly Kimochis critters and bowls of emotions are deployed effectively by the staff to support the girls to feel happy, safe, confident, compassionate and successful. These approachable tools are used to help the girls establish and sustain strong friendships and to help them become resilient.
The Kimochis curriculum enhances and extends our existing Character Education program, teaching the girls to be:
The practical, hands-on teaching of Science stimulates a spirit of enquiry through encouraging natural curiosity and reasoning. We develop the skills of observation, investigation and interpretation and equip our girls with valuable knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live. Science is all around us and is ever changing, so it is vital that the girls are aware of their environment, the huge advances that have been made and the challenges we face. Helping the girls to understand as much as possible about Science stimulates their imagination and their intellect and gives them a true passion for the subject.
Computing is integrated into the curriculum and underpins teaching and learning. We equip our pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to enable them to be active participants in today’s digital world. The girls are familiar with, and skilled in, using computational technology and programming software, control, data logging technology, digital tablets and Chromebooks in a challenging and stimulating environment, both inside and outside the classroom. Online Safety is taught through the PSHE curriculum as well as discrete Computing lessons, using ProjectEVOLVE resources. These ensure a vast library of content is available based upon the statements from UK Council for Internet Safety’s (UKCIS) framework “Education for a Connected World”. Teaching materials and resources are up-to-date; relevant and engaging and moves online life education into the third decade of the 21st century.
The girls are challenged to develop their chronological knowledge, appreciate continuity and change and develop an understanding of why people behaved as they did and why events happened. They view and handle a range of primary and secondary sources and continue to hone their historical enquiry skills. Through History, the girls are given a context from which they can understand themselves, others and the ever-changing world around them.
The girls gain an understanding of places in the world and increase their knowledge of other cultures. In doing so, they learn respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in a multicultural country. Additionally, the girls learn how to use, draw and interpret maps to enable them to understand local and global environmental problems.
The girls learn about the major religions. Firstly, they look at different aspects of a range of religions, such as places of worship and holy books. They then focus on learning about different religions in detail and comparing them.
In Philosophy for Children lessons, our pupils take part in philosophical enquiry. Class discussions enhance thinking and communication skills, boost confidence and self-esteem, and improve behaviour, well-being and academic attainment. The girls are supported to think more deeply and philosophically by encouraging the 4Cs of P4C – critical, creative, collaborative and caring thinking.They demonstrate emerging philosophical thinking and language; give reasons, to agree or disagree respectfully and to build on other’s ideas. They also recognise and start to discuss big ideas/concepts and ask open questions with increasing philosophical potential.
From Reception, the girls benefit from weekly Spanish lessons, adding weekly French lessons to their repertoire from Year 3. Our Specialist language teacher develops the girls’ linguistic skills whilst fostering an appreciation of the cultures and countries of the languages the girls are learning about.
In Art, the girls are inspired by famous artists and paintings, as well as through Art workshops, stories and picture books, and visits to galleries in central London. In DT, alongside the skills and techniques, the girls begin to learn the basics of physics and engineering, designing and building projects, working to a brief which uses gears, levers and circuits.
We believe in nurturing a deep appreciation for music in all children, providing them with the tools and opportunities to explore their creativity, develop essential skills, and truly shine as musicians. From the very beginning of their educational journey, the girls delve into the captivating world of music production. By integrating technology into their musical journey, the girls develop essential digital literacy skills as well as developing a practical understanding of chords and structure in music.
Our commitment to diversity extends beyond listening to music from a range of genres. Through performing and composing tasks, our pupils actively engage with different musical styles, broadening their horizons and cultivating a deep understanding and appreciation for music from around the world.
The girls in Years 4 to Year 6 sing in the school Vocal Ensemble and the younger girls have the opportunity to take part in a String Ensemble. From Year 3, individual lessons are available on a variety of instruments and there are joint musical ventures with the Senior School, as well as the opportunity to join the various bands, ensembles and groups at the school.
The girls are encouraged to express themselves and develop their confidence through Drama, starting with role-play, story-telling, singing and action rhymes; later enjoying improvisation and reciting ballads. The girls enjoy many opportunities to participate in a range of drama activities from Year group assemblies, theatre visits and workshops to the very popular school productions in Reception, Year 2 and Year 6. The annual performances are a testament to the girls’ creativity, talent, and dedication. The girls’ commitment, enthusiasm, and hard work in Drama is evident in every performance. The Junior School has a wealth of talent that will undoubtedly continue to captivate and inspire in future productions.
The girls enjoy PE lessons twice a each week, utilising the extensive sports facilities. Initially the curriculum includes field games, movement lessons and dance. From Year 3, girls learn to play a variety of sports, including: football, netball, cricket, unihoc and hockey, athletics, and basketball. In Year 2 – 4, the girls have a week of intensive swimming lessons at a local pool. Throughout the Summer Term of Year 5 and 6, the girls learn to sail and kayak at a local watersports centre. The girls also have many opportunities to take part in inter-school fixtures and competitions.
Outdoor Learning has numerous educational benefits, including building resilience, self-esteem and confidence, developing problem-solving skills, giving children the ability to assess risk, enhancing creativity and encouraging a connection with nature.
All of our girls use the outdoor learning areas to complement the curriculum and co-curricular. There is a mud kitchen, an outdoor classroom and a pond, all of which are used in a variety of exciting ways.
Originating in Scandinavia, Forest School is a way of learning in a woodland environment where children can develop socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually through child-led activities, following individual and preferred learning styles.