News from the Maths Department

Posted: 10th October 2022

Another busy week in the Maths Department. Last Tuesday was the UKMT Senior Mathematical Challenge, where all of our Mathematicians in Years 12 and 13 completed the 1.5 hour set of puzzles and problems, alongside Set 1 in Year 11. We look forward to seeing how they got on, results being due in 2 weeks’ time.

Mrs Williams was very excited to have the first face-to-face Hans Woyda Match since the pandemic. It was lovely to host a match here at Channing. The students enjoyed meeting students from another school and chatted lots at half-time. Our team was: Anna S (Year 13), Rebecca B (Year 12), Alisa Ki (Year 11), Saira C (Year 8). You have to have a range of ages in the team. They played really well in this nerve-wracking competition but Highgate came out on top in the end. Well played Channing!

Ms Ebrahim and her excellent group of Year 12 students took the second session of Problem Solving with students from Brookfield School Primary School.

Mr Riggs-Long was also taking his Further Maths Class, Year 10 for their second twilight session of the term. They learned about matrices and transformations – hard at work after a full day of learning in the normal school day!