Trip to Verulamium

Posted: 10th October 2022

The Classics department took Year 7 to Verulamium on Thursday 6th October for an action-packed, sun-soaked day. Students had conversations in Latin in the centre of the Roman theatre, performing for their friends (and unsuspecting fellow visitors to the site) against the backdrop of the original second-century stage. We then examined the Roman hypocaust, a precursor to our modern-day central heating, and saw a beautiful mosaic in situ. After lunch in the sun – and some quick ice cream stops – a trip to the museum was in order. This was their opportunity to explore the artefacts and learn more about daily life 2000 years ago in Britain; for homework, students are recreating the life of an ordinary Roman through these items. A highlight was, of course, the artefacts handling session led by one of the museum guides. Students dressed up as British farmers and Roman elites to better understand the social hierarchy of the Roman empire before examining real objects excavated at Verulamium, including perfume bottles and oil lamps. A huge well-done toYear 7 for throwing themselves into each activity with customary Channing enthusiasm!