News from the Science Department

Posted: 14th October 2022

Brookfield Science Club

This week, the pupils investigated thermistors as sensors and used their learning to come up with innovative design ideas. The pupils were very creative; we had ideas ranging from automatic extractor fans to temperature-controlled helmets. Once again, thank you to the Year 12 volunteers; you are such wonderful role models for the younger pupils!

Mrs Hillier

Upper School Biology Club

Year 13’s led the session that investigated the effect of a short exposure to cold temperatures on reaction time and whether arm or leg muscles had more slow-twitch or fast-twitch muscle fibres. The session was open to all Year 10 and 11 students with an interest in Biology and would be especially useful for students considering Biology for A-level. 

Year 7 and 8 Anatomy Club

Last week students enjoyed dissecting a sheep’s eyeball. The lens was particularly well preserved in our specimens, so it would clearly see how it magnified the text on paper! Thank you to all of the Year 12 who helped to run the session. 

Year 7 & 8 Science Club (Engineering Club)

Our Year 13 club leader, Grace W, returned to support and guide Year 7 & 8 students to develop their ideas about strong structures last week in order to make paper bridges. Congratulations to the students on their fantastic designs.

Year 12 and 13 Science Journal Club

This week, Year 12 student Beth chose an article about water droplets turning into hydrogen peroxide. We discussed how this could impact on viruses during summer months and the potential for utilising this, for example in hospitals, if the findings could be verified and replicated. Miranda, in Year 13, also brought up the work done by the three Physicists who shared the Nobel prize this year and we read about their research into entanglement. Any A-level science students are encouraged to attend on Thursdays at 12:30 in LG2. Here is a link to the Google Classroom where the articles are posted each week: wv5jeti

Year 13 Chemistry

The Year 13 Chemists have been learning about ester hydrolysis in their lessons and this week they have applied their knowledge to making soap. We were particularly impressed with Ele’s end product, which looked very professional!