Careers News: Careers in Sport

Posted: 24th February 2023

Careers in Sport


Every year, while the New Sports Hall is out of action with mock public examinations, we take the opportunity to inform students about a range of careers (loosely) related to sport. This week, we welcomed the Royal Navy and (after the deadline for this publication), Ms Romaya, a professional tennis coach and Mr Chadha, owner of a Pilates studio. Students also heard from our team of PE teachers about their extensive qualifications and experience and how rewarding a career in education can be. We are grateful to all the professionals involved for giving up their time and sharing their expertise.

Year 7 had a visit from a former Channing student, Emily Mills. Emily spoke about her career in sports sponsorship and how she achieved her current role at the Lawn Tennis Association. She studied Politics, Economics, Maths and Spanish and Sociology for her A-levels and continued with Sociology at the University of Nottingham. However she took an interest in sports, and started off her career by applying for many sports jobs. She then got a job at the Arsenal football club and ordered and arranged their kits. She also worked in the West Ham football club and loved to organise competitions for their fans. We learnt a lot from this one visit! Go budding sports stars!

     Yasmin, Year 7

During our PE lesson we were given the amazing opportunity to learn about how different careers interlink with sport, in the form of a talk from Daniel Geey, a lawyer in sport. His talk was both engaging and educational; and also helped us gain perspective on how failure is a crucial aspect of life, and not to fear it. He told us about his story, from A levels to his current career, and how he navigated challenges in order to reach his personal goals. An important message he taught us was that you should always stay true to the things that you love, for him it was football which led him to writing a football blog, and eventually that blog would be the reason for the career he enjoys so much now. Overall, the talk with Daniel Geey was a really great experience, and was so useful for everybody when thinking about careers and our future, how to balance what we love with financial pressure and how to overcome the constant fear of failure. 

          Diya, Year 9

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