Class of 2022 Reunion – Certificates Evening

Posted: 19th April 2023

Certificates Evening

Class of 2022 Reunion – Certificates Evening: what a wonderful way to end the Spring Term. To echo the words of this year’s guest speaker, Georgia Clarke (Class of 2017) “a huge congratulation to everyone…the hard work and determination that it takes to complete these exams is extraordinary”!

It is always a pleasure to welcome back alumnae from all year groups, industries and parts of the world, but especially those who left us last year for university, gap years and other adventures.

It was also great to welcome back so many former parents who enjoyed seeing alumnae and their parents, some of whom have known each other for fourteen years having been Junior School parents too – so quite the joyous occasion all round.

Thanks again to Georgia Clarke for giving up her time to be our speaker and for imparting some great advice and inspiring our Class of 2022!

And, finally, well done Class of 2022 – explore everything life has to offer, best of luck for the future, and don’t forget to come back and tell us all about it!   

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