History of Art Trips

Posted: 15th November 2023

students in a museum

On Thursday the 9th of November, the History of Art Year 12s went with Ms Ward to two galleries. We headed to the Courtauld Gallery and saw landscapes which linked to our current topic in class, as well as looking at some work by Monet, as we have been looking at Impressionism. We had some time to look around the gallery by ourselves, and made some notes on paintings of our choosing. Next, we went to the V&A. We started by looking at a Mannerist sculpture by Giambologna of Samson. We then looked at Tipu’s Tiger, an Indian piece of art that was about the victory over the British. We then had time to look around the rest of the gallery (as there is a lot to see!). I really enjoyed two rooms which were entirely sculptures that had been plaster cast. These rooms contained famous artworks such as Michaelangelo’s David, which was really exciting to see, even if it was not the original. Overall, it was a very fun and interesting day and we all had a great time.

Lana, Year 12

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