Channing Alumnae – Drinks in Soho

Posted: 17th November 2023

“Did I just go back in time?’ she asked bemused as her eyes widened to take in waves of crushed velvet seating and, what looked to be, a shelved wall paying homage to the birth of gin. Then, as quick as a spring pinging back into place, her back straightened, her senses regained, she leaned in with confidence and said “I’ll take one Skipping Out please, it’s been a while but don’t hold that against me will you?”, a slight grin and a bright twinkle in her eye.

Not a bad entrance that, I thought, after all, who hasn’t experienced that moment in a new venue, having rocked up on your own not sure who you’ll see, and that’s just on a normal evening at your local haunt let alone at a school reunion where you’ve no idea who you’ll see or what stories you’ll be trading about your time at Channing.

I am sure you’re all wondering what I am harping on about, well, the Drinks in Soho event, of course! It was so much fun and we were so chuffed that our lovely Channing alumnae had such a great time. There were (Old) Girls of so many different generations chatting, laughing and reminiscing about Channing and their time here: from the benches outside the Headmistress’ Study on the first floor of Haigh House (some might say they were called the ‘Naughty Benches’ – no judgement here, this is a safe space!) to the walk to Stanhope Road Playing Field, which still happens come rain or shine (cue flashbacks of that time you got drenched as you were walking back to School after a PE lesson…we’re all about building resilience don’t you know ;-).

Thank you to all those who attended, it was a pleasure hosting and seeing you all and we are already planning the next event, the Sector Networking Event, in March 2024 – keep your eyes peeled for more information about this on Channing Connect. On that note, loads of you at the event expressed an interest in getting involved so please do get in touch and spread the word amongst your Channing friends: we are on a mission to help our current, former and future pupils in all their endeavours, so any advice. mentorships, job &/or work experience you might be able to offer would make such a difference and be greatly appreciated.

Before I sign off I just have one more thought I’d like to share – I never thought a recording played about the intricate art of hat making in a WC could bring so much joy – it still makes me chuckle, as I hope it does you…(mind trails off…hmm, I wonder if I could do that at home…?).

Until next time, don’t be a stranger – we always enjoy hearing from alumnae and our wider community so please let us know what you have been/are up to and if there are any events you would like us to host.

Ms Francis
Alumnae and Development Manager

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