Careers Convention

Posted: 21st June 2024

students with teachers

The day began with all the students in Year 10 and Year 12 attending four specific career talks that interested them. There was a wide variety to choose from including ones given by doctors, entrepreneurs, civil servants, journalists, broadcasters, and lawyers. These talks provided a valuable insight into the career paths into these professions as well as what was involved in the day-to-day lives of the speakers.

The talks inspired students to consider a wide array of pathways into different careers and gain a better understanding of what different jobs involved.

After lunch, an ex-Channing student gave a talk to the entire two-year groups detailing her unique career pathway. This provided students with an insight into the wide range of choices that are available when leaving school. The speaker provided comfort that although things will not necessarily always go to plan, there will always be another option or alternative pathways to consider. This seemed to provide a sense of reassurance to the audience.

Finally, we had the chance to network with some of the speakers as well as others who came in especially for the networking event. We were able to have personal one-on-one conversations with professionals and build new connections.

The whole day was a wonderful experience for both year groups to help us to reflect on the range of options that the future could hold.

We would like to thank all the guest speakers for giving up their valuable time to come to Channing. We would also like to extend a special thanks to Ms. Wilberforce for organising such a successful event!

by Charlotte S & Tara M, Year 12

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