Trip to Burgundy

Posted: 2nd July 2024

During enrichment week, the Year 8 First Language French pupils went to beautiful Burgundy. On our arrival, the team at Maison Claire Fontaine gave us a warm welcome in the sunshine, after which the Year 8s quickly ran to the swings, the table football, and the ping pong tables. Then it was time for a competitive game of pétanque followed by the Great French Bake Off, where, in teams, they baked a tarte aux pommes, which Channing staff judged based on taste and design.

Day two started with le petit déjeuner en français. Pupils had to practice key vocabulary related to meal times; this was the case at every meal, and no one could eat until they had all said bon appétit, of course! French lessons followed, in which they practiced their language skills, sung songs, and danced! They then went to a mosaic workshop where they learned key language of the process and produced their own mosaic design. After lunch, it was circus time in an actual circus tent! They learned circus skills such as tightrope walking, trapeze swinging, and balancing.

In their final lesson, Year 8s learned transactional language to prepare themselves for the market trip. We then went to the lovely town of Avallon where, in teams, they had to buy lunch from the market stalls. On our return to the center, they prepared their lunch and presented their menu to the cohort in French. They were judged on the presentation of their meal as well as the French presentation they gave. In the afternoon, we went back to Avallon to buy souvenirs and a French goûter from the hypermarché Auchan. Our final meal consisted of escargots as a starter, and many Year 8s, as well as some of the Channing staff, were actually pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed them!

A wonderful time was had in the sunshine and fresh countryside air, trying new things and practicing French language skills. Un grand merci à Mr Headey, Mlle Walker, et Mlle Hadley for accompanying us on this trip.

Madame Romero

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