Enrichment Week Trip to Aachen

Posted: 10th July 2024

During Enrichment Week, German students set out on a historical and cultural trip to Aachen in Germany via Eurostar. When they arrived, students were greeted by their surprise mystery teacher, our much-loved German language speaking assistant, Syster, and had a speaking lesson before going to the movies to see Alles Steht Kopf 2 (Inside Out 2!).

On Wednesday, we learnt about one of the oldest cathedrals in Europe, Der Dom, and got the opportunity to go inside and see its beautiful architecture, guided by an archaeologist who has excavated the Roman ruins underneath the cathedral. We had lessons about the city itself and how to navigate its Stadtzentrum (city centre) and even got around to do some shopping for the city’s most famous gingerbread brand, Nobis Printen!

On Thursday morning, we visited the Couven Gymnasium school where we were put into groups of four with the students, given a questionnaire in German while the German students were given a questionnaire in English to fill out. We then visited the marketplace, did a German dance lesson, and went to a cooking class where we made chicken schnitzel and mashed potatoes for dinner. The chef gave us all instructions in German!

On Friday, we travelled to the Lindt factory to buy some chocolate. Next, we had a wonderful trip to an amusement park before meeting up to travel back home via the Eurostar. Gut gemacht, Klasse 8!

Yasmin L and Edlyn B, Year 8

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