Job Description

Job overview

Politics at Channing 

Politics is a thriving department and a popular subject at Channing, with large numbers opting to study the subject at A level and following on in Higher Education each year.

The Department is made up of the Head of Department and two additional teachers of Politics, both of whom teach in other departments as well. The Head of Politics organises both domestic and international trips, for example to the Houses of Parliament and UK Supreme Court or to New York and Washington DC.

The current postholder is also the MUN Coordinator, having set up and run the Model United Nations (MUN) two years ago.  It is now a highly respected and well attended society by students from Years 9 to 13.  The ability to take on this commitment, running weekly sessions teaching students how to write and debate resolutions and taking delegations to weekend MUN conferences in London and the Home Counties, would be welcomed.

Head of Politics

Heads of Department are appointed by and are directly accountable to the Headmistress for their departments. They play crucial roles in leading the members of their departments, setting high professional standards in all aspects of work. The Head of Department should aim to create a department in which all members of staff feel valued and encouraged to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Whilst ultimate responsibility for decision making on departmental matters lies with the Head of Department, it should be recognised that good practice requires consultation with staff about all matters which influence how they work or what they do.

Heads of Department are expected to keep abreast of developments in their subjects, teaching methods, etc. and attend meetings and training courses by arrangement with the Head and Deputy Head (Academic).  The Heads of Department are a collaborative team who work together to share good practice and develop curricular and cocurricular opportunities for students.

General Responsibilities include:

1. Curriculum

(a) Determine the aims of the Department; plan and submit a scheme of work for the Department (reviewing and updating it as necessary by agreement with the Head) within the School’s Curriculum Policy.

(b) Co-ordinate and ensure the delivery of stimulating and well planned lessons throughout the school, helping to fulfil the potential of each student whatever their ability.

(c) To be familiar with the subject requirements for Public Examinations and to ensure proper preparation for these.

(d) To co-ordinate and moderate public examination coursework.

(e) Liaise with the  Deputy Head (Academic), the Examinations Officer and Heads of Section in arrangements for Public and School Examinations respectively.

(f) Be accountable for the department’s teaching and learning and its examination results.

(g) To organise trips and fieldwork as appropriate.

(h) To liaise with the subject co-ordinator at Channing Junior School.

(i) To keep up to date with national developments in pedagogy.

2. Staff

(a) Advise the Head on the appointment of new members to the department.

(b) Provide for induction and guidance of new staff in syllabus, resources, procedures for marking, reports, etc.  Supervise probationer teachers within the department.  Supervise the work of ancillary and technical staff within the department where relevant.

(c) Consult with members of the department in all matters of teaching, policy, planning and organisation.

(d) Lead and manage all teaching staff within the Politics department.

(e) Encourage the professional development of all members of the department through in-service training, professional organisations and active involvement in wider school activities.

(f) To foster good working relationships within the department by providing professional support.

(g) Liaise with the Deputy Head and Deputy Head (Academic) over the annual staffing allocation and matters of staff welfare and development.

(h) If necessary set work for pupils if a member of the department is absent.

(i) Undertake appraisal of departmental staff as required and ensure staff continue to be effective.

(j) To contribute to regular meetings where departmental issues are discussed and minutes are taken.

(k) Communicate any department concerns or issues to senior management.

3. Resources

(a) Prepare departmental budget estimates at appropriate time annually and control the budget to ensure funds are allocated in accordance with the department’s development plan.

(b) Order books and other materials within budget provisions of the Politics department and keep account of department expenditure.

(c) To plan for the effective use of IT in the department for administrative and teaching purposes.

(d) Check on stock and resources annually and take steps to ensure against unreasonable loss, wear and tear.

4. Pupils

(a) Encourage interest in the subject and participation in fieldwork or other appropriate extra-curricular activities.

(b) Encourage high standards of work and draw attention to achievement through classroom displays, exhibitions for open days, public performances, etc.

(c) Assist with the admission and induction of pupils of any age into the school.

(d) Ensure all department members keep regular records of pupil progress and fulfil the requirements of the school’s arrangements for reporting to parents.

(e) Attend Parents’ Evenings, Open Days and show support for pupils by attending on occasion school plays, concerts, etc.

5. General

(a) Invite practitioners and lecturers into school where necessary to ensure breadth of learning.

(b) Have a working knowledge of Child Protection issues in the workplace.

(c) Work closely with Form Tutors and Heads of Year.