
Music at Lunchtime – Thursday 29th June 2023

Posted: 7th July 2023

Music at Lunchtime

Due to Founders’ Day we held our very last lunchtime recital of the school year on a Thursday. It summed up the quality of music making throughout the year at these events that have seen regular large audiences and lots of enthusiasm to both perform and watch. Today we started with Year 12 students Emily B giving a dazzling performance of Hue’s ‘Fantasie’ on the flute – what a showcase of technical wizardry! Then from Year 12 to Year 7 it was the turn of Amelie K and Elsa L, who gave a confident and engaging performance of Bruno Mars’ ‘Count on Me’.

Our third act was given by Becky R-A who played a stunning performance of a Beethoven Sonatina on the double bass. From Beethoven to Bach and a little higher in the register, as Flora G played Bach’s Courante from his cello suite – a graceful and flowing performance full of character. Our final performance saw the return of Maya H-B singing Amy Winehouse’s ‘Stronger than Me’. This was a hugely engaging performance showing real potential from Maya’s characterful voice.

The schedule for next term’s recital is already published in the Music School and students need to get their requests in if they would like to perform next term! Do listen back!

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