Maritime Archaeology Workshop

Posted: 9th November 2023

Maritime Archaeology Workshop

On Wednesday evening, the Classics department hosted a maritime archaeology workshop with Henrietta Barnett School, the first event of its kind. Dr Katerina Velentza from the University of Helsinki introduced students to the field of maritime archaeology and the interdisciplinary nature of the subject; Katerina routinely collaborates with geographers, historians, classicists and anthropologists. Her research focuses on environmentalism and the preservation of local knowledge and how archaeology can assist the UN in achieving their sustainable development goals. Katerina invited students to produce a response to an ancient source on seafaring, from a Roman poem in which a boat is personified to a Greek drinking-cup depicting a pirate ship. Students created an acrostic poem, a storyboard and a beautiful illustration of the ship coming to life. This was a unique opportunity for students to learn about a new discipline from an expert in the field. Hopefully we may have some future maritime archaeologists here at Channing!

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