Class of 2023 Reunion: Certificates Evening

Posted: 19th January 2024

2 students at the reunion

Applause all round: teachers, alumnae, friends and family! The official celebration of the Class of 2023 and all their achievements was another wonderful evening in the Arundel Centre, beginning with photos of each alumna when they first started at Channing to their Y13 photos: what an amazing journey they have all had.

We were lucky to have alumna, Katie Nicholl (Class of 1995) as our guest speaker this year who spoke about how “tenacity, self-belief and knowing that you CAN do it” will get you to where you want to be (click here to read Katie’s speech).

As guests made their way into Founders’ Hall for canapés and bubbles it was great to see our alumnae reminiscing and catching up about life after Channing: whether it be the their best experiences of life at their various educational institutions so far, or tales of other adventures further afield.

It was easy to forget that the Class of 2023 had not been back to the School for over seven months and judging by the roars of laughter and wide smiles, nothing had dampened the camaraderie and collective pride of this year group. Well done Class of 2023 and we wish you all the very best for this next chapter in your lives.

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