French Debate Compeition

Posted: 26th January 2024

students sat in chairs
  • Western governments should ban the exploitation of any new oil, gas, or coal deposits.
  • There should be complete freedom of expression in music.
  • France should let through all migrants wishing to go to England.

These are the three motions which Leili A, Alice E, Sophie K, and Rosie P debated fervently in French on Tuesday, 23 January, in the regional French debating competition at St. Paul’s Girls’ School. They were judged on the clarity and quality of their arguments, their conviction, fluency, quality of their language, and teamwork. The Year 13s prepared thoroughly for both sides of each motion as they were only told on the night whether they would be debating for or against. Their sophisticated arguments, passion, level of language, and clarity were most impressive.

The French department would like to congratulate them on their preparation and performance, which are to be commended. Well done!

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