Channing Eagles

Posted: 10th July 2024

The Senior Channing Eagles cheerleaders had a busy and successful last weekend of term!

Firstly, it was an honour to perform at Founders’ Day on Saturday. We performed two routines in the Sports Hall to parents, grandparents, and other visitors before running off to our drama and music performances and showing our families around Channing.

Then, on Sunday, it was the Summer Final of the LDCA Schools Cheerleading League. We were leading the League after a strong showing in the earlier rounds, but this was the Final, and it was serious business. All the teams were amazing, and we had a few setbacks in the run-up to the show, so we were a little bit nervous. However, we went out and performed with confidence and determination. We were very proud of how the team pulled together and supported each other.

In the end, we got fourth place on the day, leaving us in second place overall in the league for the whole year in a very tight competition. Thanks to our brilliant coaches Korede from LDCA and Channing alumna Ruby for inspiring us throughout the year. GO EAGLES!

By Millie W, Year 8

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