Channing girls enjoy outstanding GCSE success!

Posted: 22nd August 2024

Channing School is delighted to announce excellent GCSE results this year, with students achieving an outstanding level of success. The school community is thrilled to celebrate the hard work and dedication of its pupils, whose efforts have been rewarded with impressive grades.

An incredible 38% of all results were awarded grade 9, up 2% on last year’s results. In addition 68% of grades were at 8-9 and 85% of all results were graded 7-9.

38% of the year group achieved a full set of results at grades 7-9, including two students with 10 grade 9s and a further nine with 10 or more 8-9 grades.

Many subjects are celebrating significant success this year with more than 75% of their results awarded grades 8-9, including Drama, English Language, French, German, History, Music and Religious Studies, whose students received 100% 8-9 grades. In addition both Geography and Latin achieved 100% grades 7-9.
Lindsey Hughes, Headmistress, is full of praise for her Year 11 cohort and their teachers:

“I am delighted to congratulate all our students for these incredible results. This is a stunning achievement and is the direct result of their hard work and dedication. I would also like to thank our teachers who have worked tirelessly to create a supportive and inspiring learning environment.

Despite disrupted schooling in the early part of their senior school journey, our students have shown resilience, courage and determination in the way they have applied themselves to their GCSE studies and this is borne out in their amazing results. I look forward to welcoming them back to Channing in September ready to begin their A level studies and embrace all the opportunities afforded to them in the Channing Sixth Form.”

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