Miss Hamalis’ Bulletin – Monday 13 January 2025

Posted: 13th January 2025

Miss Hamalis, Head Of Channing Junior School

Dear Parents 

As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering a strong partnership between home and school, we are delighted to have introduced a series of parent talks this academic year. These sessions are designed to explore key educational themes and provide an opportunity to reflect on how, together, we can positively influence the girls’ learning journeys.

One of the core themes we are focusing on is mindset, a transformative framework that shapes how we approach challenges, seize opportunities and grow. Many of us were educated in systems that often viewed success as innate, with fixed notions about who could excel in certain areas. However, research increasingly highlights the transformative power of adopting a growth mindset, the belief that abilities can be developed through effort, perseverance (think Perseverance Squirrel) and the right strategies.

Our own mindsets, whether fixed or growth-oriented, play a crucial role in shaping the girls’ attitudes towards learning. Reflecting on our own educational experiences can help us understand how certain moments may have shaped our beliefs about intelligence, talent and success. By consciously challenging these perspectives where needed, we can model behaviours that inspire the girls to embrace learning with curiosity (just like Curiosity Fox) and resilience (just like Resilience Robin).

The parent talks aim to provide practical insights into how to nurture a growth mindset, both at home and in school. Together, we will explore strategies to celebrate effort over results, reframe setbacks as learning opportunities and create environments where the girls feel confident to take risks, learn and grow. We firmly believe that by working together, we can equip the girls not only with the knowledge and skills they need but also with the mindset to enjoy lifelong success. 

Our parent talks, led by our Subject Leads, are in-person events open to all parents and carers and will provide a comprehensive overview of the curriculum in key areas, as outlined below. You’ll gain insights into what and how your daughters will be learning this academic year and beyond.

As these sessions are a valuable opportunity to engage directly with our Subject Leads and ask questions about curriculum content, teaching approaches and ways to support your daughter’s learning at home, they will not be recorded. If you would like to attend one or more of these evening talks, please sign up using the linked Google Forms below:

We look forward to welcoming you to these events and greatly appreciate your continued partnership in supporting your daughter’s educational journey. Together, we aim for every girl to be ambitious, realise her full potential and become the very best version of herself.

Thank you for being an integral part of our school community, one built on shared learning, mutual support and growth.

With warm wishes

Miss Dina Hamalis
Head of the Junior School 

Calendar & Events

School Calendar

You can view all events for the year in the school calendar via our Parent Portal: SchoolBase login. Your calendar view should already be filtered to display the Junior School events and events which are specific to your daughter’s year group. 

The ‘School Calendar Parent View’ button shows the complete calendar, which can be viewed by each month, week or day. Events also appear on the right-hand side of the home page under ‘Forthcoming Events’ and the monthly view of the calendar also appears at the bottom of the home page.

Spring Term Extracurricular Clubs

Our Spring Term Club Programme begins today, Monday 13 January, and will run until Friday 28 March (with the exception of the clubs listed below that are cancelled this week due to the 4+ assessments)

It is essential that you log onto SchoolBase again to check the day, time and cost (where applicable) of your daughter’s allocated club(s) and which, if any, she is currently on the waiting list for. Please note that once clubs start, we are no longer able to add or change your daughter’s club choices. Please support us in encouraging your daughter to commit to a club and attend every week. 

Additionally, it is important to remember that once chargeable clubs have started, you will be charged for the full block of sessions for this term. If your daughter misses the same club for three consecutive weeks, her place may be given to someone else. If this is an external club, you will still be charged for the block of sessions.   

If your daughter is taking part in any sports clubs, please note the following: 

Sports clubs before school: 

  • Your daughter is to wear her PE kit to school and for the club. 
  • If your daughter has PE that day or a sports club after school, she can remain in her PE kit. 
  • If your daughter doesn’t have PE or an after-school sports club, she will need to change back into her school uniform. 

Sports clubs after school: 

  • On PE/ Forest School days, your daughter will remain in her PE/Forest School kit for her sports club.
  • If your daughter is in Years 1-4 and does not have PE on that day, she is to bring trainers to change into for her club only. 
  • Years 5 & 6 are welcome to bring their PE kit to change into before the club begins.


  • It is essential that pupils have their shin pads and gum shield for the session. The same changing rules apply as above. Shin pads can be put on over tights/ socks. 

Gymnastics, Karate, Year 6 Dance:

  • Your daughter must wear her PE kit, or a leotard for Gymnastics/ Dance. Pupils should wear PE kit to school on the day of this club (optional leotard/karate suit can be brought into school to change into). It is essential that your daughter wears her PE kit (or leotard) so that she can participate fully in the club.


  • Leotards, tights and ballet shoes are optional. 
  • Pupils will change at the beginning of the club, supported by staff. 
  • Pupils are encouraged to wear their PE kit if Ballet falls on those days.
  • Your daughter is also able to wear her school uniform for the session.

Please contact Miss Radford, jsreceptionist@channing.co.uk, if you have any further questions about your daughter’s club allocations for this term.

Cancelled Clubs Reminder: Week Commencing Monday 13 January

  • Monday: Reception Ballet and Key Stage 1 Ballet 
  • Tuesday: Reception Ballet, Years 3&4 Gymnastics and Years 5&6 Minimus
  • Wednesday: Key Stage 2 Gymnastics Squad, Key Stage 1 Karate, Reception Storytime, Years 4&5 Samba Band, Years 5&6 Problem-Solving and Years 5&6 Science 
  • Thursday: Key Stage 2 Gymnastics Training Squad, Years 3&4 Choir, Key Stage 1 Cheerleading and Key Stage 2 Spears String Orchestra
  • Friday: Key Stage 2 Folk Band, Key Stage 2 Cheerleading and Key Stage 2 Karate 

Please liaise with Miss Radford to sign your daughter(s) up to Mini or Late Owls, should you require this: jsreceptionist@channing.co.uk 

New Library Opening Times, Winter Reading Challenge & Book Returns

Due to the popularity of the Library in the morning, we are introducing new opening times for different year groups to ensure safety and fairness for all our visitors. 

On Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.00am – 8.20am, Reception and KS1 pupils, accompanied by an adult, can visit the Library using the courtyard entrance. Older siblings are welcome. 

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8.00am – 8.20am, KS2 pupils can visit the library without an adult. The courtyard library door will be locked, so pupils will enter the Library via the Music Block entrance, which is beyond the iron gates. KS2 pupils visiting the library will remain with Ms Jupp until 8.20am. 

After school library opening times remain the same: -open 3.35pm – 4.00pm to all pupils accompanied by an adult. 

Winter Reading Challenge ~ Congratulations to all the pupils who took part in the Winter Reading Challenge! Remind girls  to visit the Library on Tuesday – Thursday this week to collect their House points and prizes.

Library Book Returns ~ A polite reminder that library books are shared by the whole reading community at school and can be kept for 2 weeks only or renewed by request. Thank you to everyone who has already returned their library books after the winter break. There are; however, still many books that are overdue. Please help your daughters to keep up the good habit of returning library books by the due date stamped inside their library books. 

Parents’ Evenings

All Form Teachers (Reception – Year 6) will host appointments with parents to share: academic and pastoral news about your daughter; her mental and emotional wellbeing; her organisation skills (including homework); and behaviour and friendships. Form Teacher meetings, for the Spring Term, will take place on:

  • Wednesday 26 February (online 4.10pm – 7.00pm)
  • Thursday 27 February (in person 4.10pm – 7.00pm)

These ten minute appointments will be online (hosted on SchoolCloud on the first day) and booked on a first come first served basis and in person (on the second day).

We have six Specialist Teachers, who teach across the entire Junior School. As such, Specialist Teachers will be available to meet with parents of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 only this term. (KS2 meetings with Specialist Teachers took place in the Autumn Term.) If you choose to make a booking with a Specialist Teacher, they will provide an academic overview of your daughter’s effort and attainment since the start of the academic year. Specialist Teacher meetings for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2  pupils will take place on:

  • Tuesday 21 January for all Specialist Teachers (online 4.10pm – 7.00pm)
  • Wednesday 22 January for all Specialist Teachers (online 4.10pm – 7.00pm)
  • Wednesday 29 January for all Specialist Teachers except PE (online 4.10pm – 7.00pm)

One further evening date, in January, will be released for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 appointments with Specialist Teachers only once the dates above are taken. If you wish to book an appointment with a Specialist Teacher, but notice that the appointments are all taken, please click to join the waiting list with that Specialist Teacher. Following this, you will be allocated an appointment later in January which you will be able to amend on SchoolCloud after Thursday 23 January. Meetings with Specialist Teachers will be five minute appointments and booked on a first come first served basis:

  • Miss Bolton (RB, RH, 1A, 1M ~ PE)
  • Mrs Castle (2C, 2M, 2R ~ PE)
  • Mr Fellows (Year 1 –  Year 2 ~ Art & DT)
  • Miss Jimenez (Reception –  Year 2 ~ Spanish)
  • Mrs Lynch (Reception –  Year 2 ~ Drama
  • Mrs Munro (Reception –  Year 2 ~ Music)

Our online appointment booking system (SchoolCloud) allows you to choose your own appointments, for both online and in-person Parents’ Evenings; you will then receive an email confirming your appointments. 

The booking system will be open from 8.00pm Tuesday 14  January and will remain open until the date of your appointment. If you need any support, please contact the school office: jsoffice@channing.co.uk  

Further details will be provided via email before the booking system opens, including a short guide on how to add appointments. Please check your inbox carefully. Please also see the information below concerning cancelled clubs. 

If you require further information on how to use the SchoolCloud system, please refer to the Parents’ Evening letter that will be sent out on Tuesday 14 January.

Cancelled Clubs: Wednesday 22 & Wednesday 29 January

Due to Specialist Parents’ Evening for pupils in Reception and Key Stage 1, the following clubs will be cancelled: 

Wednesday 22 January: 

  • Years 3&4 Lights, Camera, Act! 
  • Years 3&4 Netball 
  • Years 4&5 Samba
  • Years 5&6 Design & Technology 
  • Years 5&6 Hockey 

Wednesday 29 January: 

  • Years 3&4 Lights, Camera, Act! 
  • Years 4&5 Samba
  • Years 5&6 Design & Technology 

Please liaise with Miss Radford to sign your daughter(s) up to Mini or Late Owls, should you require this: jsreceptionist@channing.co.uk  

Brew Monday: Tuesday 21 January

‘We say it’s time to stop this myth about Monday being ‘blue’ and instead start a conversation over a brew!’ 

On Tuesday 21 January, we’re joining Brew Monday 2025, an annual initiative by the Samaritans. This inspiring campaign encourages everyone to connect with others, showing care through meaningful conversations and active listening.

During House Buddy Form Time, House Buddies will enjoy a hot chocolate and a natter with their buddy.  It’s the perfect chance to catch up after the holidays and talk about the exciting year ahead. For this special treat, please can your daughter bring a mug of her choice to school on Monday 20 January. 

RE Talks Sign-Up for the Spring Term

As part of our ongoing commitment to enrich our Religious Education curriculum, we welcome parent talks and workshops throughout the year. If you have a specific festival or celebration that you feel connected to and would be keen to talk about to your daughter’s year group, you are required to please fill out this (Google Form link) in advance. This Google Form will be sent at the beginning of each term, so please complete it for the Spring Term only. 

Once we receive your response, we will review it and be in touch if your talk can complement what the pupils are learning in their Religious Education lessons. Please note these talks can no longer be organised by emailing your daughter’s Form Teacher. Please also note that any requests for talks after the Google Form has closed may not be considered due to the busy nature of the school calendar and existing commitments. Please ensure you register your interest, via the Google Form, by Friday 24 January. 

Any potential talk would involve you sharing the history and significance of a religious festival, how it is traditionally celebrated and perhaps any personal or family traditions you may observe. You could also talk about the importance of this celebration in your community or culture. You might even want to bring along some items, photographs or other materials to help bring the event to life for our pupils.

We would like to kindly request that all talks and visits to the school refrain from being food-related. This is due to the wide range of allergies and dietary preferences present within our school community. Additionally, we ask that you provide details of the number of adults who will be involved in conducting the talk as we will not be able to change this once added to the Google Form and the talk has been arranged. This will ensure that we can make the necessary safeguarding arrangements well in advance. 

We greatly appreciate your willingness to support the school in this way and we are confident that your involvement will have a positive impact on the pupils’ understanding and appreciation of different cultures and traditions. 

If you have any questions, please contact our RE Lead, Miss Parmar: dparmar@channing.co.uk

TooledUp Courses for Parents

We have collaborated with TooledUp Education: an invaluable digital library of evidence-based resources on all aspects of parenting, education and family life. Founder, Dr Kathy Weston, has collated the best and most up-to-date research from around the world and distilled it into usable, easy to understand resources which can be instantly applied to daily life. Channing Pin: cha0706

For more information about this resource, see the dedicated section below. 

For upcoming TooledUp courses and events please click here

  • Thursday 23 January 1.30pm ~ An Introduction to Endometriosis
  • Monday 27 January 10.00am ~ Everything Parents Need to Know about Roblox
  • Thursday 30 January 7.30pm ~ Parental Engagement in Learning – Small Things, Big Impact


Staff Contact Information

Please find the email contact details of the staff: JS Key Contact information. Please could we ask that your specific query is directed to the appropriate individual and anything of a more serious nature is directed to a member of the Senior Team. Please note that Miss Hamalis needs to approve all requests for absences so please send them via the Junior School Office: jsoffice@channing.co.uk

In order to prevent unnecessary awkwardness and/or embarrassment, please remember to address members of staff by their title and surname. 

Please be mindful that staff may not pick up emails immediately (teachers will, of course, not be checking emails when they are teaching, running clubs or supervising pupils at break and lunchtimes) and may choose to take time to investigate the matter before responding. However, they will endeavour to answer your queries within 24 hours. Please do not think that a lack of instant response means a lack of interest on the part of the member of staff. 

Please note that staff are not expected to reply to emails outside normal school hours, weekends or during school holidays. If you have an emergency which needs to be dealt with before school next opens, please email: jsoffice@channing.co.uk. Please do not send communications or information to communication@channing.co.uk or info@channing.co.uk


Channing Association News

North London Laughs Comedy Night

The CA is happy to announce that the annual charity comedy evening North London Laughs is now on sale.

Acts include: Ed Gamble, Emmanuel Sonubi, Viggo Venn, Bella Hull, Josh Weller and Mark Maier. 100% funds raised will be donated to the Squirrel Ward (Gastroenterology Dept) at Great Ormond Street Hospital. 

Book your tickets now as this event sells out every year:  https://www.alexandrapalace.com/whats-on/north-london- laughs-25/

CA Diary Dates

  • Tuesday 28 January 7.45am-8.30am: PreLoved Uniform Sale
  • Sunday 9 February, evening: North London Laughs Charity Comedy Night, with Channing parent offered first-access to tickets
  • Saturday 15 March, 4.30pm-7.30pm: Charity Swimathon in Poolside Manor
  • Sunday 18 May: Summer Fair ‘Chanfest’, held in the Junior School grounds