Dear Parents This week, we are marking Anti-Bullying Week with a heartfelt focus on the theme of ‘Choose Respect.’ Through thoughtful discussions, engaging activities, and a special school-wide display, we…
Dear Parents I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful half term break and that the girls are feeling refreshed and excited to be back at school, ready to dive into…
Dear Parents Today, we gathered together to celebrate the Harvest Festival, a special time when we reflect on how fortunate we are to have access to plenty of food while…
Dear Parents As I reflect on the start of this academic year and the many events we’ve hosted, including today’s wonderful Open Morning, I am constantly reminded of how fortunate…
Dear Parents Following last week’s assembly, where I encouraged the girls to take inspiration from Responsibility Badger and embrace greater responsibility, I was delighted to introduce the exciting range of…
Dear Parents While I missed being at school for a few days last week, I had a very productive and thought-provoking few days at the IAPS (Independent Association of Prep…
Dear Parents I was delighted to see so many of you at our Welcome Evening last week and want to thank you for attending and taking the time to meet…
Dear Parents This morning in assembly, I shared a short video of geese flying in a V formation. Nature teaches us valuable lessons, and geese represent a perfect example of…
Dear Parents It was an absolute pleasure to welcome you and your daughters to school during the morning drop-off. I am always struck by how much the girls in Years…